Migrant Gang Sexually Assault Children As Young As 12 At Festival – IOTW Report

Migrant Gang Sexually Assault Children As Young As 12 At Festival

BlazingCatFur: GIRLS as young as 12 have been sexually assaulted by migrants at a festival in Sweden.

A gang of seven to eight men have been preying on young girls to carry out 23 sex attacks this weekend.

Victims at the Putte Festival in Karlstad this weekend, said they were surrounded and then the gang started to grope them.

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13 Comments on Migrant Gang Sexually Assault Children As Young As 12 At Festival

  1. WTF were the Swedish men doing? This is beyond pitiful.

    The big summer festival where I live is The Chicken Fried Steak Fair. My town is 70%+ latino. If a group of moslims were groping little girls at this gathering, OMGoodness, there’d be fucking body parts all over.

  2. @MM these dune-coons know it’sounds wrong. They are just testing the water to see what they can get away with. Behavior like this in my town would have dramatic consequences for them, their wives and their children….

  3. The ugliest horror of societal collapse is usually not the collapse itself. It’s that the group most widely defecated upon remembers the outrage; remembers it with a vengeance and will not forgive it.

    In modern Europe, that group predominantly is white men (not mere males, but MEN). It is not racist or sexist in any sense to say that. It’s just a fact. MEN have been made the scapegoat of the Left’s destruction of the family while the foolish women among them have benefited from it, who in turn are used to perpetuate it at the expense of men.

    And now it all starts to fall apart.

    The reckoning may be long in coming, but it’s coming. Men remember. Their enemies will die but foolish women will likely live to bear the brunt.

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