UK Study: All-white juries are biased, against whites – IOTW Report

UK Study: All-white juries are biased, against whites

AT: The social justice warriors (SJWs), like the climate activists, have their tell, and that is psychological projection.  Whatever they accuse normal people of is what they are guilty of, and racism is no exception.

We have seen it numerous times in recent months, notably when it comes to the racial distribution of entertainment industry awards.  The SJWs accuse the awards industry of being too white, but whether we look at the Oscars, theGrammys and the Billboard Top 100, or the American Music Awards, blacks are over-represented relative to their proportion of the total population.  If anything, there is general evidence of racism against whites.

For years, we have heard screaming from the SJWs that all-white juries are racist against blacks and other visible minorities.  But a study released in early 2010 from the U.K.’s Ministry of Justice debunks this nonsense, and on close examination of the results, there is instead evidence of systemic racism against whites by all-white juries.  more

5 Comments on UK Study: All-white juries are biased, against whites

  1. I have served on several juries, the white jurors definitely hold white people to a higher standard than blacks.
    Glad I moved out of state, there seems to be a list, once you are on it they call you all the time.

  2. I wonder how much the western jury systems in general follow this example. I’m not so sure that white juries hold white defendants to a higher standard though. Perhaps they simply hold them to what the standard should be. Maybe it’s time to start talking about Black Privilege.

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