This guy has been ‘killed’ in several recent terror attacks – IOTW Report

This guy has been ‘killed’ in several recent terror attacks

He’s dead to them — and everyone else!

[NYP] A group of friends is taking bizarre revenge on a former pal who they say owes them money — by sending his picture to news outlets and claiming he died in several recent terror attacks and other tragedies.

A photo of the unnamed man, who lives in Mexico, has so far been featured in news stories about victims of the Orlando shooting, the Istanbul airport bombing and the EgyptAir crash, France24 reported.

A snap of his face pops up in a New York Times video about the Orlando shooting, a BBC article, and several social media threads about terror victims, the site reported.  more here

8 Comments on This guy has been ‘killed’ in several recent terror attacks

  1. You damn sure must be pretty pissed off at the guy to do that. But then some guys get killed for less, so he might be getting off easy. In other news, Hillary……….

  2. I used an editor to add my buddy’s name to an online ISIS hit list then showed it to him and now he’s freaking out big time. What do I do now? He’ll be pissed if I tell him I did it.

  3. @Joe: Tell him you were so worried about his safety that you hacked into the ISIS site and removed his name. Then show him the original list. He’ll be eternally grateful. Might even buy you a beer or two.


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