Muslim former National Guardsman plotted jihad massacre for Islamic State – IOTW Report

Muslim former National Guardsman plotted jihad massacre for Islamic State

JihadWatch: He was in the Army National Guard. While in it, Islamic apologists and their allies would have pointed to him as an indication that Muslims can be as patriotic as anyone else, and any scrutiny of Muslims in the military was unwarranted and “Islamophobic.” In contrast, a realistic appraisal of the situation would call for some screening of Muslims in the military.

But even when Fort Hood jihad mass murderer Nidal Malik Hasan was communicating with jihad mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki, the feds declined to move against him; it would have been “Islamophobic.”

“Former National Guardsman accused of plotting attack to support ISIS,” by Rachel Weiner and Joe Heim, Washington Post, July 5, 2016:

A former member of the Army National Guard living in Sterling, Va., is accused of trying to plan a domestic terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic State.

Mohamad Bailor Jalloh was arrested Sunday and charged with attempting to provide material support to the terrorist organization, according to papers filed in federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia.

Jalloh, a native of Sierra Leone, is a U.S. citizen. He quit the National Guard after listening to the lectures of deceased radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, according to court documents, and became involved in planning a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.



7 Comments on Muslim former National Guardsman plotted jihad massacre for Islamic State

  1. Islam is evil. You cannot be a good muslim AND a good person. The two are mutually exclusive. Muslims are evil. No civilized society should tolerate their presence.

  2. Well, it’s no worse than those Amish trying to blow shit up … no, not Amish … maybe it was Mennonites … no, not Mennonites … them damned Baptists! … no, it wasn’t the Baptists, neither … Papists! Yeah, that’s it – those damned Papists keep murderin and blowin shit up! – no, wasn’t the Papists … the Hindus! they’re always raising Hell and killing fags and shit! … no, not the Hindus … must be those damned Confucians! Worshipping that Chink dude and cutting people’s fucking heads off … no, wasn’t Confucians, either …

    They’re all EQUAL, y’know!

    izlamo delenda est …

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