California Bites the Bullet with Background Checks – IOTW Report

California Bites the Bullet with Background Checks

AT: On the heels of the San Bernardino massacre, where terrorists entered a gun-free zone to slaughter their unarmed victims, California Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown signed legislation making it more difficult for law-abiding Americans to defend themselves. In the liberal mind, that doesn’t matter. It’s “gun violence”, not gang violence or terrorist violence.  So let’s pass laws that would not have prevented San Bernardino:

The Democratic governor signed six bills Friday requiring gun owners to give up magazines holding more than 10 rounds and to undergo a background check before they can purchase ammunition, among other measures…

“Strong gun laws work… What we’re doing in California is a better job of keeping guns out of dangerous hands,” said Amanda Wilcox, a spokeswoman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, whose daughter was killed by a shooter using a high-capacity magazine.

Brown’s action will require people who own magazines that hold more than 10 rounds to give them up. It extends a 1999 law that made it illegal to buy a high-capacity magazine or to bring one into the state but allowed people who already owned them to keep them.

In an attempt to slow gun users from rapidly reloading, the governor signed a bill outlawing new weapons that have a device known as a bullet button. Gun makers developed bullet buttons to get around California’s assault weapons ban, which prohibited new rifles with magazines that can be detached without the aid of tools. A bullet button allows a shooter to quickly dislodge the magazine using the tip of a bullet or other small tool.

If strong gun laws worked, Chicago would be the safest place on the planet. Gun laws didn’t work at Ft. Hood, in Orlando, or in San Bernardino, where the wife of one of those slain noted that the killers knew their victims couldn’t shoot back and a gun in a good guy’s hand would have made a difference:  more

13 Comments on California Bites the Bullet with Background Checks

  1. You can’t fix stupid, but you can recall it and try it for treason. That’s idea is gaining ground fast here. The treasonous part is him and his buddies in the legislature swore an oath. And then trampled all over the Constitution. Sadly these efforts normally run out of steam. We shall see. Lots of pissed off people.

  2. …give up magazines that hold more then 10 rounds…

    Are they expecting this to really happen? Delusion, they name is REgressivism. Are they going to go door to door of registered gun owners and …ask? check? look at their weapons???

    Some idiot says, ““Strong gun laws work…” weapons grade stupid unless she means that once we don’t have any weapons, then government can really get to work.

  3. Okay, so the dumbasses in the CA legislature require me to register my AR-15 as an “assault weapon”. Doing so prevents me from ever passing my AR-15 down to anybody else (family or non-family) through the normal FFL background check Private Party Transfer system (unconstitutional by the way).

    HOWEVER, registering my AR-15 as an “assault weapon” (which it is clearly NOT) now allows me to re-install my normal magazine release button in place of the “bullet button” soon to be deemed illegal. That’s right, I get to make my weapon normally functioning, I just can’t insert single magazines greater than 10 rounds into the magazine well.

    Since the “gun” as per the BATFE regulation is considered merely the registered “lower receiver”, and since they haven’t banned making 80% lowers for personal usage, all I need do to circumvent the non-transfer law associated with assault weapons is to make another LEGALLY UNREGISTERED 80% lower and keep it safely hidden somewhere until I pass on – which at that point in time I disassemble my contiguous lower and turn the registered one in per the law (for just compensation per law), and then reassemble my old upper receiver with the NEW 80% unregistered lower. The new owner then registers the NEW gun as a new assault weapon and the process begins again.

    Am I a genius, or are the tyrannical Sacramento flunkies just ignorant about firearms?

  4. MM,

    They tried the “turn-in” of 30 round magazines in Los Angeles County a while back and exactly ZERO people complied.

    Nobody is gonna turn shit in here either.

    We won’t be disarmed, period.


    We both know that the Constitution doesn’t matter to them.

  5. Brad,

    It’s important to me, too. Their breaking of their oath to protect & defend the Constitution only makes it an easier decision for me to make when the time comes.

    I’ll sleep just fine after the fact.

  6. Well, all you citizens of Kalifornication (as opposed to the sheeple), just remember these four letters:
    WWNC – We Will Not Comply.
    It’s worked so far in CO, NY and CT.

  7. Let’s zoom out a level, and look at the slightly bigger picture.

    You don’t think the Commifornia Elites don’t know the noncompliance rates in NY, CT, CO?

    They know. Oh they know. Getting people to comply isn’t the point of this law.

    The point of the law, and other such laws, isn’t to make anything safer.


    The end-game here is to make every citizen a potential criminal, just by existing. This way, the gov’t has carte blanche to do whatever they want, under the guise of enforcing the law.

    Worked WONDERS for the Soviet Union. “Arrest them first, then we’ll figure out what they’re guilty of”.

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