Ailes Responds To Gretchen Carlson Sexual Harassment Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Ailes Responds To Gretchen Carlson Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Inquisitr: …Her lawyer also claims that 10 women have emerged with similar unpleasant experiences with Ailes, but they have yet to be vetted.

Carlson’s lawsuit also mentions alleged mistreatment by her former Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy. MORE


17 Comments on Ailes Responds To Gretchen Carlson Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

  1. I’d rather believe Mr Ailes over a butthurt, laid off, second rate hack “journalist”.
    And as for those supposedly other ten women that have also been harassed, that’s just crap pulled out of the shyster’s ass to attempt to add a little shadow bulk to an incredibly thin case, without merit.

    Discovery and disposition will be a bitch, Carlson.

  2. Her contract wasn’t renewed. Seems different to me than getting fired. And it appears that she would have been willing to endure more of the “abuse” had her contract been renewed.

  3. 76 years old….sexual harassment?
    He must have timed the approach during his annual erection.

    From the picture, I suspect he hasn’t seen his own penis outside of a mirror in a decade or two.

    His net worth is $25 Million.
    I suspect if he wanted to, he could buy (rent) a “young and beautiful” high priced prostitute to coincide with his annual erection.

    I suspect Gretchen is going for retaliation, revenge, and a healthy severance package or settlement.

  4. She’s 50 years old. Sorry to say, that’s about the end of the line for women anchors. She probably took some older person’s job when she started. Occupational hazard.

  5. I got news for you young punks. You’re going to get old someday. And guess what? You’ll still be thinking about sex with younger women and MOST of you will still get hard ons. In you’re mind you’ll think you’re still twenty. About the time you retire time will fly by and then you’ll be the ones being ridiculed in the media and online. And the gov’t will be stealing your right to drive and live your life as you please.
    You will realize that the prime of life, that time you were strong and beautiful was a very short twenty years if you’re lucky.
    Don’t believe it? Look at all the hollywood has beens. And they were the cream of the crop!
    Have some respect for the elderly because before you know it you will be one of us and it can be a BITCH!

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