Planned Parenthood Politicizes Black Deaths to Promote Abortion – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Politicizes Black Deaths to Promote Abortion

MRCtv: Without a hint of irony or self-awareness, the largest abortion provider in the U.S. is using the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile to promote their “reproductive justice” agenda.

In a post on Facebook, Planned Parenthood Action, the advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood, wrote the organization “firmly believes in the reproductive justice pillar that people should be able to parent their children without fear that they will be harmed or killed. We stand with those calling for justice for the lives of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and for laws to change in order to protect Black lives.”

Yes, the organization which was reportedly responsible for killing more than 300,000 babies in 2012-2013 — many of them black — is apparently concerned with people being able to parent their children without “fear that they will be killed or harmed,” all without regard for the babies that are killed or harmed by Planned Parenthood.

To bring the point home, Planned Parenthood Action attached an image from the Repeal Hyde Art Project that claims, “Freedom from violence is reproductive justice,” conflating freedom from being killed by police to the freedom to murder babies. MORE

6 Comments on Planned Parenthood Politicizes Black Deaths to Promote Abortion

  1. These people are unbelievably evil.
    And I thought those little hand prints were some kind of leftist protest before I read the story. They looked real and I can easily believe some leftist twit would paint themselves up like that for some insane reason or other.

  2. Sick, murdering bitch promoting black genocide just like Margaret Sanger. But, she is equal opportunity, she’ll kill White, Brown, Yellow and Red Babies too, and sell their parts for research and money. No wonder the democrat party wanted God out of their platform. Evil !

  3. well, PP has a point …. if Alton Sterling and Philando Castile had been aborted they wouldn’t have been shot, now would they? … thinks about it thru the eyes of libtard pretzel logic

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