Hillary Clinton disqualifies herself – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton disqualifies herself

ChicagoTribune: Hillary Clinton has disqualified herself from the presidency.

No matter what your tribal politics may be, after FBI Director James Comey’s withering testimony before Congress on Thursday over her email scandal, there really is no way around it, is there?

She disqualified herself by her own hand.

Mrs. Clinton, former secretary of state, has already proved she can’t be trusted with national secrets. She put those secrets at risk by using a private email server kept in her basement, against security protocol.

That server was likely hacked by foreign intelligence. She failed, miserably, in protecting the secrets of her nation.

So for all this she should be rewarded and promoted and handed the near absolute power of an imperial presidency?

And, she lied to the American people. That much is clear. She lied about what she did and how and why. There are tapes of it floating all about on the internet, lies to reporters, lies in those rare public appearances where she actually takes questions.  MORE

h/t FlamingHetero

8 Comments on Hillary Clinton disqualifies herself

  1. Agreed on all counts. However, as we have seen twice before in the last eight years, to the “average” voter at least, no amount of corruption, sleight of hand, misdirection, or outright LYING matters in the least.

    I weep for my country!

  2. Pass on a chance for a criminal enterprise to crack the biggest safe ever? Not a chance. They won’t go away and the slackjaws will continue to aid and abet – and, sadly, vote.

  3. That woman is a hero and role model for all who receive government checks.
    She gives them hope that they too may have a chance at huge wealth at the expense of others.

  4. The only people that have a chance at “huge wealth” via the govt are grifters like the Clintons. Your basic EBT cardholder is just looking to get buy without lifting a finger. They have no illusions of getting wealthy. Use the EBT for lottery tickets, maybe, but it takes guile, cunning, arrogance, massive deception aided by a complicit press and every prog lackey in and out of govt to carry out a grift on a Clintonian scale. They EBTs have no dream of that. They vote to keep their very modest bennies flowing, that’s all.

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