El Paso Police Chief: BLM Is A ‘Radical Hate Group’ – IOTW Report

El Paso Police Chief: BLM Is A ‘Radical Hate Group’

DailyCaller: The chief of police in El Paso, Texas, labeled Black Lives Matter a “radical hate group” Friday night, blaming them for Thursday’s shooting in Dallas and calling on policymakers to take a closer look at the movement.

Greg Allen was in attendance at a news conference Friday where various leaders in the El Paso area expressed solidarity with Dallas while also trying to appeal to those who feel marginalized by a recent spate of high-profile police shootings. Allen didn’t deliver a statement at the conference, but he gave an interview to local press afterwards.

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13 Comments on El Paso Police Chief: BLM Is A ‘Radical Hate Group’

  1. Sieg Heil, (hail victory), the NEW 0bama regime salute from his foot soldiers.

    He is outflanking us folks. Liberals to the left, Muslims to the right.
    And Mrs Clinton says white people need to change their ways.
    Republicans are not shooting police, Democrats are.

  2. Let the Left keep doing this crap. Eventually the American people will get so fed up, they’ll cancel the election and just hand the White House keys to Trump.

    OK, OK, it’s just a fantasy…but I can dream, can’t I?


  3. Giuliani was slammed for his comment on MSNBC (repeated on Fox) that blacks are 99% more likely to be killed by young black men in their neighborhoods than cops. It’s time this was the message from the media.

    If there were only whites in NYC crime would drop 90% according to the city’s own numbers.

  4. The Black Panthers and BLM: US military defense funds diverted to obama’s army.

    Watching the videos of the herd of ‘protestors’ being fully directed, by black clothed ‘leaders’ makes it very clear how little thought is between the ears of the herd and how insidiously cunning Obama operates. His goal, martial law and calling in UN troops to bring peace.

    Martial law at election time suspends the election. Civil rights, and extends the already lawless president’s term. Look for those executive orders on guns, further restrictions of speech, etc. all historic steps to dictatorship! ‘BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE’ is Obama’s theme song.

  5. After some research, it appears SPLC is categorizing BLM differently than say the Black Panthers. But I thought BLM and BP were lockstep based upon recent kill whitey comments from BLM?

    “But unlike activists for racial justice such as those in the Black Lives Matter movement, the black separatist groups did not stop at demands for police reforms and an end to structural racism. Instead, they typically demonized all whites, gays, and, in particular, Jews.”

  6. I don’t think BLM is a terrorist group. They are a criminal enterprise, the natural evolution of Jesse Jackson’s “RainBow Coalition” extortionists or Al Sharpton. Just wait for the government grants and outrights gifts to help BLM develop bullshit, do nothing programs where the advisors and contractors are the senior BLM leadership. Geezuz, the blacks will be fucking over other blacks yet again. If the US had an honest political hierarchy they could launch a RICO investigation and inside a year have most of their asses in jail for fraud, inciting riots and you could probably get a few “uttering terroristic threats” in there as well.

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