Airport Gun Ad Upsets SJ Snowflake – IOTW Report

Airport Gun Ad Upsets SJ Snowflake

SellingTheSecondAmendment: Finney, a Columbia resident, was returning from West Virginia on Sunday, when she spotted a billboard-sized ad for FN Manufacturing’s retail store in the concourse area at Columbia Metropolitan Airport. The ad shows eight firearms and in black, bold letters touts, “Yeah, we carry.”

21 Comments on Airport Gun Ad Upsets SJ Snowflake

  1. In related, tragic news, the whiny-assed complainant couldn’t even state that the ad should have come with a “trigger warning” because the word “trigger” is also extremely disturbing to her.

  2. Cars are the instrument of death much more often than firearms are. Where’s the outrage for all the car advertisements?

    This dink probably flies because she knows the TSA is her only hope of getting a feel up.

  3. “I can’t believe somebody would put that on the wall that is welcoming travelers, visitors in South Carolina.”

    Then, go home. They don’t want you anyway.

  4. Got a problem with guns? Don’t buy one. Problem solved.

    Gun ads upset you? Don’t look at them. There – see how easy that was?

    Have trouble accepting the world for what it is? Stay home and watch fantasy TV 24/7.

    I could do this all day.



  5. when she’s hiding in her closet, dialing 911, will she demand a disarmed police response?…..

    didn’t think so……

    and PLEASE NOTICE…..she’s on her way home FROM west virginia……she’s NOT from our great state…….where our sunday school teacher no longer has to keep his gun UNDER his
    shirt, but is free to carry it out in the open…….thanks to our republican legislature……

    which reminds me……practice practice practice………..

  6. If it were an abortion clinic ad she would be praising it.
    Sensitivity by arse. She got her 15 seconds. Now STFU.

    Port Columbus used to have a sign during football season that said ‘Welcome to Ohio unless You Are from Michigan’. Most people understood it and laughed.

  7. FN makes some awesome weapons, we in SC are proud of our manufacturing base, jobs, it makes the economy healthy.
    Daniel Defense has a plant here too.
    We thank O’Baja for contributing to our economy, best personal weapon salesman ever.

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