Obama releases “HIGH RISK” Gitmo detainee – IOTW Report

Obama releases “HIGH RISK” Gitmo detainee

gitmo terrorist release

PamelaGeller: Obama operates like an enemy combatant.

Fayiz Ahmad Yahia Suleiman is a member of al-Qaida who participated in combat action against US and Coalition forces as part of Usama Bin Laden’s (UBL) 55th
Fayiz Ahmad Yahia Suleiman is a 41- or 42-year-old citizen of Yemen.


5 Comments on Obama releases “HIGH RISK” Gitmo detainee

  1. Obama releases high level terrorists, embraces and promotes Army deserters/traitors (bergdahl), destroys military commander’s careers, supports, funds and arms terrorists, reduces the effectiveness and benefits of our remaining military, denigrates our allies and allows our enemies nuclear weapons and free trade agreements.
    The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.
    Obama’s actions fit the definition of treason.
    What will the Congress do? Fund Obamacare, fund community organizers, fund the militarization of federal agencies and local police, deplete our military, reduce our liberties……oh wait, congress has done that, following and funding Obama’s fundamental transformation plan.

  2. Why is there a ‘getting out’ at all?
    GITMO should be used as a warehouse until the tribunals are concluded to determine guilt.
    Innocent? Out you go
    Guilty? In you stay
    Then they should be shot in front of the others
    The ones who throw shit like primates will be put on a four foot chain bolted to the floor by the neck so they cannot stand upright like a man.

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