8-year-old girl chases off smelly burglar – IOTW Report

8-year-old girl chases off smelly burglar

LAT: An 8-year-old girl chased away a prowler after he broke into an El Cajon condominium and woke her up early Sunday, police said.

The stranger removed a window screen and climbed inside the home on Hawk Lane about 4 a.m. then went into a bedroom where the girl and her 6-year-old brother were sleeping, Lt. Rob Ransweiler said. MORE

3 Comments on 8-year-old girl chases off smelly burglar

  1. “tan and slim, about 5 feet, 9 inches tall with dark, fluffy hair. He smelled bad and was wearing dark clothing and a backpack”
    Pretty much covers most male Californians that are left.

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