Should Dallas PD boycott Obama’s visit? – IOTW Report

Should Dallas PD boycott Obama’s visit?

STR: Pres Obama is scheduled to be in Dallas Tuesday to pay his respects to the Dallas PD and speak at a memorial service for the fallen officers from last Thursday nights attack.

Obama and many within the democrat ranks divisive (racial) rhetoric and especially negative comments made towards police has fueled the anti-police sentiment coast-to-coast that has escalated into countless attacks against officers. That said, is calling on all Dallas PD, LE & govt officials etc to BOYCOTT the presidents visit Tuesday.  MORE

21 Comments on Should Dallas PD boycott Obama’s visit?

  1. They won’t. These fine people are far too noble to diminish their office with such a display. In their own way, they will reveal that man for who he is. Obama has a knack for acting inappropriately right on cue.

  2. No way should they have to provide security for him. And oh, just for the sake of history, I would put him and Mooch in the back seat of a Lincoln convertible and drive it down Elm Street, right past Daley Plaza.

  3. Uhmmmm… yes. Cops and everyone should stay home!!!!

    0bama owns this whole thing. He created it by opening his mouth every time a criminal is killed. 0bama’s rush to judgment, his ill-timed comments and his activist DOJ are all precipitants and enabling of the anti-police movement in America.

    He is showing up in an attempt to deflect this elsewhere, and we know where that is. He wants to deflect responsibility to guns and not to criminal behavior, including his behavior!

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