From sanctuary cities to a sanctuary nation – IOTW Report

From sanctuary cities to a sanctuary nation

StridentConservative: [Tom Tancredo] It’s not too hard to imagine what immigration enforcement would look like under President Hillary Clinton. If allowing 200,000 criminal aliens to escape deportation sounds like a good idea to you, you should be wearing a Hillary for President button.

We learned this past week that the FBI does not think Hillary Clinton’s gross negligence in managing top-secret documents is a crime. Why are we surprised? Gross negligence in immigration law enforcement has been celebrated as a national virtue for the past seven years.

What will happen to immigration law enforcement when immigration anarchy is accepted as the “new normal”? The answer is simple. We’ve already test driven the beta version, so we are fully conditioned for the full roll-out in 2017.

If you want a graphic preview of what gross indifference to immigration law enforcement will look like when implemented across the board, look no further than the Obama team’s unwillingness to deport even convicted criminal aliens.  MORE

5 Comments on From sanctuary cities to a sanctuary nation

  1. So in other words building the wall won’t quell the immigration problem. Ironically it was Chris Christie who took a lot of heat for proposing we track Visa entrants like FedEx packages. Not so bad an idea and only mockable for those that want illegals here.

  2. Tancredo is a hero. He’s been speaking out against illegal immigration for 20 years and EVERYTHING he’s predicted is happening-only worse.

    He ran for Gov of CO the last year I lived there and the same bullshit we’re seeing with Trump and the UniParty GOPe bunch, I saw with him. Rather then get behind the only realistic chance to defeat the far left REGressive, Hickenlooper, they went down with the ship and Dan Maes.

    If he had won, I really thought the beautiful state I called home for over 40 years could begin to unravel the REgressiveism. He lost, I moved to w Texas.

    CO is now so far left that there’s a single payer initiative on the ballot that will more then DOUBLE the state’s budget, make private insurance illegal, put all medical designs in the hands of an elite board and pay for it with a huge tax increase on business. Fuck, even the whack Hickenlooper is against it. Making reefer legal probably has moved enough potheads into the state to actually pass it.

    Too bad, Tancredo was the straw for me.

  3. As sorry as B. Hussein Obama’s immigration record is (the writer mentions the last seven years), George Bush’s immigration record is hardly better. And no, I’m not a blame Bush guy… except in this case. We’re being led down a road Mr. Bush helped pave.

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