Browns call RB Isaiah Crowell’s apology for disturbing Instagram post ‘insufficient’ – IOTW Report

Browns call RB Isaiah Crowell’s apology for disturbing Instagram post ‘insufficient’

LAT: Cleveland Browns running back Isaiah Crowell posted an illustration of a police officer getting his neck slashed by a hooded man last week. He later deleted the image and issued a lengthy apology.

The Browns responded with a statement of their own, saying an apology isn’t enough.

“We have spoken to Isaiah regarding his extremely disturbing and unacceptable social media decision,” the team stated.Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 12.18.37 AM

“It was completely inappropriate and we have made him aware of our high level of disappointment. Isaiah has apologized but also knows that just an apology is insufficient and that he must take steps to make a positive difference after a very negative and impactful post.”  more

25 Comments on Browns call RB Isaiah Crowell’s apology for disturbing Instagram post ‘insufficient’

  1. I’ve been seeing crap like this for the last few days, and it makes me wonder:

    Exactly how tone-deaf do you have to be to think jumping on this #BLM bandwagon is a good idea?

  2. The thug negroes are planning to take over much of our country by violence and intimidation, and our country has become so neutered and pussified that they’re going to be able to pull it off in many areas. These BLM vermin really do need to die in a hail of gunfire. That, in fact, will be justice.

  3. Wait, I thought racists in the NBA had to be screeched out of the organization at terrific financial loss and several news cycles of hate.

    Oh never-mind, racism is OK in the NFL. My bad.

  4. How about immediately canning his racist ass….followed by arrest for inciting murder or cops.

    He can play hide the football with his homies in the prison showers for the next 20 years.

  5. If all the blacks left the US to form a new country or took over the old South (Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and South Carolina) as their new nation, who’ll be left to play in the NBA or the NFL? They could call their new country by the German name of Schwarzistan. And there national motto could be “May the Schwarz be with you.”

  6. TheMule,
    The black thugs can TRY to take over much of the country, but they forget; who is the majority race, who has the weapons, and who has the will and the skill to use them when attacked?

    As for whatever parts the #BLM thugs DO successfully take over, well, those are parts that ain’t worth a damn anyway. (thinking DildoCrat run inner city). They can have ’em. Then let’s see how well they survive long-term cut off from anything productive.

  7. Since Sylvania means forest land in Latin they could call their new country Schwarzsylvania, literally the Black forest and then all the jungle bunnies could live happily ever after in the jungle especially after they neglect what’s there and the country turns back into a forest and jungle, hopefully full of lions and tigers and bears, oh my. As well as gators and poisonous snakes and other deadly critters etc.

  8. This is what I posted at the L.A. Slimes:

    If you’re not sure what the appropriate punishment would be, try this: Pretend it was an image of a klansman lynching a young black, BLM teen, posted by a white player. Then ask the NAACP what would they like you to do. Clearer now?

  9. How about fire him or fine the friggin crap out of him? Also make him lick Obama’s butt every time he goes to the bathroom. Or make him do hillary. That might scare him straight.

  10. @Harbqll, the thing is, blacks have been getting away with crap like this for so long they have completely lost their manners and their minds.
    Say what you want about the South but this behaviour will not fly here, we don’t shay that plit.

  11. All the white lofos will still be walking around with this guy’s name on their backs, bragging about their season tickets next fall, and breathlessly tweeting pictures of black power fisting in the end zone.

    But this thug just got burned with the white-hot heat of a “high level of disappointment”, so I guess he’s paid his dues.

  12. Remember how Riley Cooper was treated?

    Sorry to tell you BLM people, but all lives really do matter. What is your problem today? I’m sure it is something, nothing real, but something.

    Your problems are easily fixed, but after trillions have been spent to fix them, and they haven’t been, maybe it is time to take a quick look in the mirror.

  13. penalty for excessive celebration, 15 yards, to be assessed at kickoff. Penalty for insulting the white cracker, permanent expulsion from my TV.

    Any more, I dont give 2 shits about the NFL. NFL means Not F-n Lookin’ at anymore games.

    Really, my care-o-meter for the Vikings is at a career low. I’m sure my curiosity will get to me at some time, but why bother.

  14. @DaveVa — He’s a diva. Has been since college.

    Unfortunately, professional athletes are held up as role models. Some good (Michael Jordan) most bad.
    Until the media stops covering for these bad apples, we have a problem.

    What do you want to see on ESPN? Expert analysis of a game/player or social influence commentary?

    Personally, if I tune into a sporting event (whether on ESPN, NBC, CBS, FOX, SEC Network, etc.) I’m looking for sports commentary, not political commentary.

  15. Crowell’s led a pretty quiet private life in Cleveland….in comparison to the jettisoned Johnny Football.
    He’s young, he got angry. You can’t control your emotions but you certainly can control your response to those emotions. Crowell didn’t.
    I give him this_____ much credit for immediately deleting the image.

    I read what geofraz wrote and he’s right. If that happened the white person would be hounded to the ends of the earth and back again for at least a decade.

    I remember what happened to Don Imus in spite of his public apology, private meetings with the basketball players and their families plus his endless charity work.

    At least Crowell’s apology was an apology not telling people he’s sorry they got upset or blaming it on something or someone else. He also called Cleveland Police Chief and apologized.

    I don’t think firing him is the answer at this point.
    Let him ride around with cops on a Friday and Saturday night through King-Kennedy complex, over by Tri-C, Cedar Central, Hough, Kinsman, Morris Black Place, E. 55th, Outhwaite, the ungentrified near west side and get a dose of what the cops face day in and day out.
    Then have him do some direct community service with people in these areas for 6 months or so.

  16. There must be something in his contract that would let them fire his ass. The owner’s should then agree not to hire him. All the high priced black players that like to play the hate whitey card for them homeboys would take a look at the Bentleys they drive, the mansions the live in, the coke they snort along with the hookers they buy and would immediately shut the f*ck up. Man, race relations in professional sports would improve overnight.

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