Cancer surgeon not sorry for clipping cop with car – IOTW Report

Cancer surgeon not sorry for clipping cop with car

“I’m a doctor,” she sniffed to police, wearing her green scrubs. “I have patients that are dying. I have to go. I’m the hero, the cops are not. I don’t accept the summons.”

NYP: A cancer surgeon who boasted that her job made her superior to the lowly NYPD officers arresting her for refusing a summons and clipping a cop with her car took a plea deal Tuesday in Manhattan court — but remained unrepentant for the bizarre fiasco.

Rachel Wellner, 40, wearing a red minidress and black pumps, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct — a violation, not a crime — for parking in a crosswalk Feb. 18.   MORE [Video]

26 Comments on Cancer surgeon not sorry for clipping cop with car

  1. I know it won’t happen, but the state licensing board should yank her surgeon creds. The hospital she works at should deny her permission to operate there.

    With a god-like attitude like that, she may be good, but if something unexpected were to come up during an operation, and the patient were to die, sounds like she’d blame the patient.

    At the very least, publicize her name and her offense far and wide, with the tag line, “if you need surgery, don’t give permission to her to operate on you.”

    Stoopid should have painful consequences.

  2. So she begged the Post to withhold her name fearing loss of her job. Seems that she gave no charitable thought to falsely accusing NYPD officer of assault and harassment.

  3. In practice for 2 years and already changed facilities 2 times not counting the firing. Sounds like she may have a personality disorder or 2 or 3.
    She’s 40? Looks at least 10 years older.

  4. Doctor’s with a superiority complex.

    Hate it. Nothing like a humble man, no matter the profession.

    Had a doctor try to knock what I do for a living. “Oh. Anyone can do that right?”

    I let it slide the first time, but when he did it again a month later in the exact same fashion, using the same words, I realized he was a dick and not accidentally.

    After the second time: ‘Well, Doc. No. As a matter of fact, you could not do my job without working for someone like me first’.

    Doc: “Why is that?”

    Me: You’re neither a certified applicator nor an entomologist so you could not licensed or even be trusted to apply chemicals to anything professionally. We protect people, property and food. Pretty critical for a healthy civilization, don’t you think?

    Doc: “Huh” (I could tell he never considered this aspect.)

    Me: Personally, I would not expose my customers to anyone that expressed an attitude like you just did and I wouldn’t hire you on that alone.

    Doc: “What do you mean?”.

    Me: You show little respect for people not like yourself. That’s suicide in the service biz.

    Last time I heard him put my biz down. The glances I got from the nurses were priceless. I think they enjoyed it.

    In conclusion: F*ck this bitch. She’s no hero. Just an ego-maniac.

  5. “I am a doctor. I have patients who are dying. I’m the hero..”

    Not so sure I’d brag about my patients dying and claim hero afterward. Unless we’re talking Dr Kevorkian-style medical care.

  6. “I have patients that are dying.”

    You’re a breast cancer surgeon. No, you don’t have patients that are dying, unless you fucked something up during the procedure.

    Yes, people die from breast cancer. Usually women. None of them are dying acutely. None of them will die if you don’t get to the hospital right away.

    Now if you were vascular, or trauma, them yeah, maybe.

    A lot of doctors are assholes – the profession does that to you. Surgeons are the biggest assholes in the hospital. I know this very well; as a pathologist I have to meet with them several times a week at various tumor boards, so I can explain to them exactly what’s wrong with their patients.

    (I think they have trouble reading all those big words in the reports we write)

  7. Just based on her outburst if I were the cops I’d give her a blood test looking for some sort of chemical. On the other hand she may be on prescribed meds for a medical condition or she just could be that smug, self-centered, conceited pain in the ass that everyone runs into a few times that you just want to slap. Silly woman just destroyed her big city, bright lights career and will end up in a small town clinic. Might actually be the best for her.

  8. She plays the game of victim so easily with her tantrum and screaming in public, I’ll bet a cool $10.00 that she has more than one boyfriend/sig-other in her past where she has played victim and falsely accused the other of violence or something vile.

    I guarantee that was not her first fit like that. That takes experience to go that far with it.

  9. What harbqll said.

    Look, I’ve had breast cancer three times, and have been in remission since 2006. Breast cancer is not a heart attack, with the power to kill you instantly. Once a patient get to Stage 4 cancer, death is inevitable. But it takes years to get to Stage 4. Delaying a surgery or treatment for a day, a week, or even a month will probably not affect the outcome.

    As we used to say in Brooklyn, bitch thinks who she is.

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