Home Schooled – IOTW Report

Home Schooled

PHENIX CITY, AL (WXTX) –A Phenix City mother is defying the myths of homeschooling.

She not only hits the books with her 10 children, but makes sure they are not social misfits.

In this special report, Roslyn Giles takes a look at her recipe for raising well-rounded home schoolers.

Homeschooling for the Woods starts with splitting up the kids into two groups.

Ian, Joseph, Patience, Olivia, Hanna and Sarah make up the “B” Team.

The “A” Team consists of the older siblings Caleb, Rebecca, Chase and Keyzia.

Two of the older children were not present for the interview.

“I’ve got some close in age and I’ll group them and that way, some subjects we can learn together,” said their mother Joyce.

Joyce, 49, says the decision of homeschool versus public school started in 1994 with their first child.

Twenty-two years later, homeschooling has evolved into a lifestyle from the youngest to the oldest.

“At first I was with the idea and I like really thought about it my husband and I flipped flopped,” Joyce said. “You know once we started, we knew we weren’t just trying it.”  more

7 Comments on Home Schooled

  1. My kids have always been in faith-based schools, but even thos schools are becoming victims of Common Core. If we can’t root out Common Core, I expect I will someday spend my retirement helping to homeschool all my grandchildren.

  2. Those parents are doing a great job!

    I homeschooled our son from K-12; we live in Commiefornia so there was no way I was going to send him to libtard indoctrination centers. I don’t know about other states, but when he turned 15 I enrolled him in a “concurrent enrollment” program where he took classes at the local community college and got college credits as well as high school credits. I chose the classes carefully so they were ones least likely to submerge him in libtardism.

  3. @Tired Mom, for high school we continued homeschooling, but it was through a Christian High School which was very helpful for documenting grades, etc. I am also resigning myself to having to homeschool grandkids someday. I’m saving some of the best curricula I used with our son!

  4. My wife and I home schooled our 4 boys and it was a great experience. Our sons are all doing very well in their occupations and more importantly, are all close to each other and us. They are also very socially adept.

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