Obama: I Face Racism Every Day – IOTW Report

Obama: I Face Racism Every Day

WASHINGTON (WNB) – President Obama told NBC’s Good Morning America that he is subjected to forms of racism every day, despite his position as the world’s most powerful man.

“Having come from a mixed marriage, I probably know better than most what it’s like to struggle with race. Just this morning talking to Michelle I made the remark that I’ve been “monkeying around” too long with gun control – a sobering reminder of my white half’s indifference to my black half’s racial sensitivities. I’m subjected to stuff like this literally every single day.” more

50 Comments on Obama: I Face Racism Every Day

  1. I have several black freinds. And for better words I’ll quote my wife. “You guys are all manly men”. The humor and ribbing that takes place occasionally leads to skin color. And we laugh our asses off. I would be there for them and I know they would be there for me if the shit hits the fan. But then again these are very confident people and Im confident if you brought up race to them there reaction would be, “What, Im fucking black”.
    Actually one of them pulled that shit on me once already. Funny shit. Fucking Barrie’s Butt Hurt because he’s black and feels compelled to screw it up for the rest of us.

  2. Just because people can’t stand you doesn’t mean they’re racist. It means they can’t stand you because you’re a petty little despot who lies about everything and only mean to harm the country. All of this will end soon, when your ass gets shown the door and we don’t have to constantly watch you behave like a complete jackass. There are good black people, of course. You just don’t happen to be one of them. So take your race-baiting backside back to where you came from, wherever that is.

  3. Did that mothafuckka just tell the truth? Nah, couldn’t be …
    ‘I’ve been“monkeying around” too long with gun control’

    been just like a monkey fucking a football since day one.

  4. White people raised Jungle Fever… Had they not, he’d be standing on a corner, pants hanging down his ass and hustling for… Hold on. That’s what he’s doing now.

  5. To say “monkeying around” with something is racist is a real stretch of a sick mind. I’ve been monkeying around with the damn lawnmower all afternoon. Is that now racist? Another perfectly good phrase bites the dust for the sake of political correctness.
    We’ve been fiddle fucking around with Omamma too long.

  6. @Mike Foley–“All of this will end soon, when your ass gets shown the door and we don’t have to constantly watch you behave like a complete jackass.”

    Wishful thinking, Mike. He’s going to stay in DC where we ALL can watch him act like a complete jackass for YEARS.

  7. Many of us could spit nails about the made-up “racism” he faces every day. I agree with every comment here.

    But did you notice what he said?

    “I’ve been “monkeying around” too long with gun control” – not the monkeying around part, but about gun control.

    He is ‘killing’ two birds here – further stoking the racial divide, but also flaming the rabid gun control fervor.

  8. Vietvet

    Same here. The circular logic of going left all the time leads you right back to where you started and, at the end of the day, all your lefty efforts get you nowhere but broke and out of gas.

  9. HAhahaha! So he’s claiming victimhood about his white half being too insensitive to his black half? What is that? It’s not Paranoid Schiz, not Multiple Personality Disorder, but something that argues with itself as if not the same person. Plain old crazy?

    “Monkeying” is now part of the NewSpeak dictionary and whiteys aren’t going to like it.

    It doesn’t mean anything innocent anymore if heard within earshot of the eternal victims.

    Just like we lost the innocence of the rainbow and the word gay to one group of “victims”.

    We’re way past nigger as an affront now.

    P.S. I had a conversation about raccoons with a black man working where I was trapping them a few years ago. I used the word `coon and `coons every time I referred to them and he did to – at first. Somewhere during that conversation I saw him stiffen and become less friendly. I only talked about the animals, but I could tell something clicked negative for him.

  10. My son tell me that his Italian half tells him to drop the bastard in the Hudson river with concrete shoes.
    His Irish half tells him to just kick the shit out of him.

  11. Damn, he is just going to HAVE to do something about gun control, despite his oath to the Constitution!

    His black half has never missed an opportunity to kick his white half in the ass.

    I think that, as his term burns out, he will increasingly spit and sputter, with a final big flare up at the end. Watch for it. Don’t forget, he has a pen.

  12. Hey, remind me again how you AREN’T retarded racist, bigoted black-hating cunts? Because you are doing a horrible, horrible job. All you are doing is proving that you ARE, in fact, retarded racist, bigoted, black-hating cunts. Here’s a thought. Go fuck yourself, you ignorant racist, bigoted cunts.
    I always knew the only reason to hate Obama is because you are either a racist, or a bigot, or both, either one is the real answer.
    Oh, and I love how you think God is a racist, bigoted black-hating cunt like you that he would side with the party of hate, the party of racism and bigotry, and the party of white racism. Please. TIme to educated some racists.
    Hatred drives the Republican party as well as Republican led Fox News!
    It’s pathetic that a party that calls themselves the “Christian party”., HATES ANYONE that does not look like them, think like them!
    doesn’t wear the Bible on their sleeve like a banner! A party that thinks they have been given some God given right to destroy anyone or anything that does not fit into their Religious Theocracy!

    What is wrong with diplomacy. If Bush had used diplomacy in Iraq, we would not have lost 4400 of our country’s best, another 20,000 maimed for life, not robbed our treasury of 3.5 trillion and we are still paying causing our debt going out of site, caused the Mideast to be in complete chaotic state for years to come. So you are totally fuc-ed up in you racist hate toward Obama.

    Why don’t you call him a Ni–er? That’s what you hateful racist, bigoted c-nts mean. Ni–er, Ni–er, Ni–er. That’s what you dirty fucks mean. Obama is Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay, Pro Women’s Rights, Shaves, Eats Bacon and Drinks Beer. Worst. Muslim. Ever
    Barack Obama is the First President in history that DOESN’T follow the greedy, rich, white, capitalist mantra of his presidential predecessors, and it angers Limbaugh and his racist listeners. They are angry that Barack Obama’s priorities involve giving and creating equal rights for people of All Color, all religions, all sexual orientation, and again it angers them they he doesn’t spend time prompting up the Whites and Christians of this Country.
    It angers them that a President DOES NOT give priority to all things White and/or Christian. This Isn’t racist, it’s stating the obvious, and according the Racists and bigots on the Right, something is wrong with you if you prompt up ANY group NOT White and/or Christian
    In what category does Obama belong? I would make a case that he be considered among the “near greats.” Here’s why:
    Not since 1933, when FDR took office at the depth of the Great Depression, has a president confronted such a profound economic crisis on the first day in office. The banking system was collapsing, the two big automotive companies were near bankruptcy, unemployment was rising and the housing market was in a free fall. It was Obama’s policies, enacted into law despite unprecedented Republican obstruction, that helped turn the economy around. In fact, Obama’s policies have been far more successful than Roosevelt’s New Deal program. It was increased wartime production after 1939, not New Deal programs, that ended the depression. Obama ended the “great recession” while slowly disengaging the nation from active involvement in two foreign wars.
    Just about every economic indicator reveals an American economy on the rebound, and the growth has far outpaced that in other developed nations. You would not know that by listening to the cartoonish complaints of the Republican candidates running for president. What they fail to mention is that the economic results would be even better had it not been for the Republican-imposed sequester in 2011.
    Like all “great” and “near great” presidents, Obama not only solved the problems he inherited, he has managed to leave his own mark on the institution. With the Affordable Care Act, Obama accomplished what every Democrat since Harry Truman has tried but failed to pass — national health insurance for all Americans. He has championed other reasonable policies — fighting global warming, ending gun violence through sensible gun control legislation, and immigration reform — only to have his initiatives stymied by conservative opposition. Most of all, Obama has been masterful in exercising the intangible aspects of the presidency — inspiring people with his words, and articulating a clear alternative vision for the nation that makes his opponents appear small-minded and petty. And lets not forget the symbolic power of being the nation’s first African American president.
    What remains unclear is whether Obama’s vision and his policies will reshape the Democratic party and I hope it does.
    Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!
    But please, go ahead and tell me that lie about how you are NOT a racist, bigoted retard. I’m dying to block your BS!

  13. All Comments, ALL dirty inbred retarded, trailer trash brain-dead fuckers proving Obama’s point and mine.

    Hey, remind me again how you AREN’T retarded racist, bigoted black-hating cunts? Because you are doing a horrible, horrible job. All you are doing is proving that you ARE, in fact, retarded racist, bigoted, black-hating cunts. Here’s a thought. Go fuck yourself, you ignorant racist, bigoted cunts.
    I always knew the only reason to hate Obama is because you are either a racist, or a bigot, or both, either one is the real answer.
    Oh, and I love how you think God is a racist, bigoted black-hating cunt like you that he would side with the party of hate, the party of racism and bigotry, and the party of white racism. Please. TIme to educated some racists.
    Hatred drives the Republican party as well as Republican led Fox News!
    It’s pathetic that a party that calls themselves the “Christian party”., HATES ANYONE that does not look like them, think like them!
    doesn’t wear the Bible on their sleeve like a banner! A party that thinks they have been given some God given right to destroy anyone or anything that does not fit into their Religious Theocracy!

    What is wrong with diplomacy. If Bush had used diplomacy in Iraq, we would not have lost 4400 of our country’s best, another 20,000 maimed for life, not robbed our treasury of 3.5 trillion and we are still paying causing our debt going out of site, caused the Mideast to be in complete chaotic state for years to come. So you are totally fuc-ed up in you racist hate toward Obama.

    Why don’t you call him a Ni–er? That’s what you hateful racist, bigoted c-nts mean. Ni–er, Ni–er, Ni–er. That’s what you dirty fucks mean. Obama is Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay, Pro Women’s Rights, Shaves, Eats Bacon and Drinks Beer. Worst. Muslim. Ever
    Barack Obama is the First President in history that DOESN’T follow the greedy, rich, white, capitalist mantra of his presidential predecessors, and it angers Limbaugh and his racist listeners. They are angry that Barack Obama’s priorities involve giving and creating equal rights for people of All Color, all religions, all sexual orientation, and again it angers them they he doesn’t spend time prompting up the Whites and Christians of this Country.
    It angers them that a President DOES NOT give priority to all things White and/or Christian. This Isn’t racist, it’s stating the obvious, and according the Racists and bigots on the Right, something is wrong with you if you prompt up ANY group NOT White and/or Christian
    In what category does Obama belong? I would make a case that he be considered among the “near greats.” Here’s why:
    Not since 1933, when FDR took office at the depth of the Great Depression, has a president confronted such a profound economic crisis on the first day in office. The banking system was collapsing, the two big automotive companies were near bankruptcy, unemployment was rising and the housing market was in a free fall. It was Obama’s policies, enacted into law despite unprecedented Republican obstruction, that helped turn the economy around. In fact, Obama’s policies have been far more successful than Roosevelt’s New Deal program. It was increased wartime production after 1939, not New Deal programs, that ended the depression. Obama ended the “great recession” while slowly disengaging the nation from active involvement in two foreign wars.
    Just about every economic indicator reveals an American economy on the rebound, and the growth has far outpaced that in other developed nations. You would not know that by listening to the cartoonish complaints of the Republican candidates running for president. What they fail to mention is that the economic results would be even better had it not been for the Republican-imposed sequester in 2011.
    Like all “great” and “near great” presidents, Obama not only solved the problems he inherited, he has managed to leave his own mark on the institution. With the Affordable Care Act, Obama accomplished what every Democrat since Harry Truman has tried but failed to pass — national health insurance for all Americans. He has championed other reasonable policies — fighting global warming, ending gun violence through sensible gun control legislation, and immigration reform — only to have his initiatives stymied by conservative opposition. Most of all, Obama has been masterful in exercising the intangible aspects of the presidency — inspiring people with his words, and articulating a clear alternative vision for the nation that makes his opponents appear small-minded and petty. And lets not forget the symbolic power of being the nation’s first African American president.
    What remains unclear is whether Obama’s vision and his policies will reshape the Democratic party and I hope it does.
    Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!
    But please, go ahead and tell me that lie about how you are NOT a racist, bigoted retard. I’m dying to block your BS!

  14. Looky at all that pure hatefulness and misunderstanding all in one bundle. I think we have a winner for the purest distillation of leftist propaganda currently in play.

    I think a game could be made of naming all of them. So much fodder to work with.

    You have WAY different values, Mr Qman.

    Simply put, with all you wish for, the result you want is America’s sovereignty being destroyed and made subservient to globalism and we don’t. So, fuck off, you small minded, dangerous-to-humanity, enemy of freedom, hateful creep.

  15. So, do you win if you read it, or do you win if you don’t.
    I didn’t, so, what do I win?
    Do the same thing when O’Baja speaks, thank Dog for mute and FF.

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