91-year-old woman filled in crossword puzzle and got into a heap of trouble for it – IOTW Report

91-year-old woman filled in crossword puzzle and got into a heap of trouble for it

TelegraphUK: 91-year-old woman has been questioned by police in Germany — after she filled in the blanks in a piece of modern art based on a crossword puzzle.

The pensioner, who has not been named under German privacy law, was questioned under caution after she filled in the work valued at €80,000 (£67,000) with a biro.

“Reading-work-piece”, a 1977 work by Arthur Köpcke of the Fluxus movement, essentially looks like an empty crossword puzzle.

Next to the work is a sign which reads: “Insert words”.

The hapless pensioner explained to police that she was simply following the instructions.  MORE

h/t Leonard.

21 Comments on 91-year-old woman filled in crossword puzzle and got into a heap of trouble for it

  1. Serves the artist right.
    FTA…similar “mishaps”…

    – “In June 2016, a boisterous child destroyed a £10,000 Lego statue within hours of it going on display, despite the prominent “no touching” sign.
    – In 2015, cleaners at Museion museum in Italy cleaned up what they thought was a mess of cigarette butts and empty bottles that turned out to be one of its exhibits.
    – In 2012, a 19th century Spanish fresco at the Santuario de Misericodia church in north eastern Spain(pictured) was ruined after a good Samaritan attempted a DIY restoration of the artwork.
    – In 2006, a visitor to Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge tripped over his shoelaces and destroyed three 300-year-old Chinese Qing Dynasty vases”

  2. Our cleaning lady at Hyde Park knocked over a small cremation urn containing Eleanor’s cousin’s stillborn child. She swept them up and threw them away in the trash.

    Stimson and I smoked a box of cigars and replaced the ashes, but they weren’t even a close resemblance. 👿

  3. “Der sign said, ‘insert worden’! Ve are Germans! Ve follow orders!” [click heels] [salute]

    “Nein, Oma. Please don’t salute like that any more.”

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