Refugee Protection Act of 2016 introduced by Vermont Senator Leahy – IOTW Report

Refugee Protection Act of 2016 introduced by Vermont Senator Leahy

RefugeeResettlementWatch: It is probably the same old bill he has been trying to get passed for years.  I didn’t bother looking at it.  The point I want to make here is this—the Open Borders Left never gives up!  There is no way this bill will go anywhere this year in the waning months of an election year, but this sort of thing is done because they constantly push and they constantly gin up their grassroots by doing ‘show’ bills like this.

Here is a bit of information from Human Rights First about the bill introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California:

New York City—Human Rights First urges members of Congress to support the Refugee Protection Act of 2016, a bill that reaffirms the United States’ commitment to refugees and strengthens legal safeguards for those seeking protection from persecution and violence. The organization applauds Senator Leahy and Representative Lofgren for their leadership on this bill and for their commitment to the America’s legacy as a haven for refugees.


14 Comments on Refugee Protection Act of 2016 introduced by Vermont Senator Leahy

  1. Leahy, I know it would be against your character, but why not try to put Americans first, or our Veterans, or our Disabled or our needy, or our Sr. Citizens on fixed incomes who are losing their homes due to inflated Property Taxes, or repeal Obamacare, stop paying illegal immigrants, stop paying terrorist organization (hamas, palestinian authority, etc., etc.

  2. Vermont sure knows how to pick’em. You’re telling me that Leahy and Bernie Sanders are your best and brightest?

    Yo Canada. Go ahead and annex Vermont. We won’t fire a shot to defend it.

  3. Leahy should have been hanged for Treason a long time ago.
    The fact that he’s a sitting Senator screams volumes about the imbecility of Vermont, and America. And why does the Senate allow him to seat? That they do displays the rot and corruption at the heart of the Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It would be more effective if we supported the refugees in or near their home countries maybe teach nonviolent skills that would be useful for restoring their cities to productivity.

  5. Hey guys take it a little easy on Vermonters! There are a few (unfortunately, few is the operative word) of us who didn’t vote for Leahy. He is the poster child for term limits. Tim is correct in that the Senate should not have allowed him a seat after the CIA disclosures. Unfortunately, too few people remember or even care about his involvement. And, Scooter Libby is sentenced to jail for not having total recall of a conversation with a left leaning journalist while the official that actually leaked the information not only goes free but keeps his State Dept job.

  6. I’ve always envisioned taking a giant wood clamp and slow squeezing his head with it until it exploded like a watermelon.

    I know you all can envision it too!

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