Starbucks to begin porn-blocking on its free Wi-Fi – IOTW Report

Starbucks to begin porn-blocking on its free Wi-Fi

WT: Starbucks said Friday that the coffee chain’s complimentary Wi-Fi will soon block X-rated websites, heeding the call of anti-porn activists who recently found similar success after urging McDonald’s to do the same.

“Once we determine that our customers can access our free Wi-Fi in a way that also doesn’t involuntarily block unintended content, we will implement this in our stores,” Starbucks said in a statement to CNN. “In the meantime, we reserve the right to stop any behavior that interferes with our customer experience, including what is accessed on our free Wi-Fi.”

Starbucks‘ announcement came the same week advocates revealed that McDonald’s recently agreed to implement porn filters at most of its U.S. restaurants in response to pleas from groups including the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and Enough is Enough, a non-profit organization formed in 1994 with the goal of confronting online pornography and sexual predation.  more here

19 Comments on Starbucks to begin porn-blocking on its free Wi-Fi

  1. Block a direct request, that’s simple. Not so many requests are direct with proxies, VPN, Dark Net, etc. In a nutshell, it’s extremely simple to bypass whatever Starbucks thinks it’s blocking. Someone could establish their own access point using a proxy and Starbuck’s bandwidth with an open public SSID, to make it a seamless unrestricted network under Starbucks roof that customers can (and will) choose over a restricted network. That’s something I would do, but ya’all are on your own–I don’t do Starbucks.

  2. Both McDonald’s and Starbucks are private companies that allow public access. So they can block- or not – any wifi access that they choose.
    In McDee’s case, I can see them blocking porn as theirs is a family environment.
    Starbucks, they’re supposed to be more adult oriented. So them blocking wifi porn might affect their bottom line. We’ll wait and see.

  3. I’ve been to a Fivebucks once and I just can’t picture someone kicked back and watching porn while sipping a latte. Probably fixing a problem that never existed for the hype.

    The same goes for McD.

  4. I make good coffee at home, but if I want the Starbux experience I pour a cup, yell my name out incorrectly, light a 5 dollar bill on fire and scrape the ashes into the coffee. Now on top of all that I guess I’ll just have to rub one out….

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