Masked anarchists clash with police in march on Boris Johnson’s home – IOTW Report

Masked anarchists clash with police in march on Boris Johnson’s home

Evening Standard: Dozens of protesters set off smoke bombs and scuffled with officers guarding the new Foreign Secretary’s Islington house during the disorder.

Anarchist group Class War, which organised the protest, had told supporters to bring “pitchforks, flaming torches and incandescent anger” in a post promoting the event on its website.

It read: “Boris, our senior diplomat, [is] the man whole stole our future. Now we really are all f*****.

“Do we just grin and bear it, or do we grin and fight back back?”

Scotland Yard said three men were arrested during the angry clashes on Friday evening.

Mr Johnson was reportedly out at the time. But one protester told the Mail on Sunday that had he been home he would “probably be killed”.  more

4 Comments on Masked anarchists clash with police in march on Boris Johnson’s home

  1. Once upon a time a civilized society knew how to treat anarchist scum – rioters and looters will be shot. This handling with kid gloves will inevitably encourage escalation.

    “An appropriate policing plan was put in place.”

    No, it was not. An appropriate policing plan would be a brutal putdown with many broken heads.

  2. Re: Joe July 18, 2016 at 12:17 am
    If they are truly anarchists . . . .

    Anarchists are essentially pathologically optimistic communists, with absolutely no insight into human behavior.

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