Fake “green” factory pumps out real money – IOTW Report

Fake “green” factory pumps out real money

IceAgeNow: “The Fake Factory that Pumped Out Real Money,” reads the headline. “Making high-quality bio-diesel is hard. Getting paid $100 million to not make it was kind of a snap.”

Green Diesel had reported producing 50 million gallons of biodiesel, making it an important contributor to the EPA’s renewable fuels program.

The company looked like a real factory … from the outside.

When Jeffrey Kimes, an engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency, went to check on the factory, he found “a three-story steel skeleton crammed with pipes and valves, squatted on a concrete slab between a railroad track and a field of storage tanks towering over the Houston Ship Channel,”

But when Kimes looked more closely, he became suspicious.  more

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