Turkey’s crackdown is raising concerns – IOTW Report

Turkey’s crackdown is raising concerns

ISTANBUL (AP) – Following a failed coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the government moved swiftly Sunday to shore up his power and remove those perceived as an enemy, saying it has detained 6,000 people.

The crackdown targeted not only generals and soldiers, but a wide swath of the judiciary that has sometimes blocked Erdogan, raising concerns that the effort to oust him will push Turkey even further into authoritarian rule.

Friday night’s sudden uprising by a faction of the military appeared to take the government – and much of the world – by surprise.  more

8 Comments on Turkey’s crackdown is raising concerns

  1. That’s one way radical islamists who support, fund and arm ISIS rid your country of Christians, Kurds and democracy.
    A firing squad is much more humane than decapitating those who disagree with islam.
    Erdogan has the full support of obama.
    Rebirth of the ottoman empire in the making.

  2. Obama backing Erdogan, makes the whole coup thing highly suspect. A prepared ‘purge’ list? Right up the liberal wish list. Look what Obama did to our military.

  3. I’ve heard this compared to Adolf’s “Kristallnacht”, or “Night of the Long Knives”, where he used a false flag Jewish uprising to consolidate Nazi power in Germany.

    Sounds close enough for me.
    There may be a better example of Hitler’s purging of the military and cabinet after the “Kristallnacht”, but this serves as an example that most people have heard of and can understand.

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