E-Cigarette Lawsuits Explode – IOTW Report

E-Cigarette Lawsuits Explode

As More Victims Are Being Treated For Injuries From Exploding E-Cigarettes, E-Cig Lawsuit Filings Increase.

ABC6:  LipsigLawyers.com reports on the number of exploding e-cigarettes that have occurred since the devices were introduced onto the consumer market in 2007 with 199 reported explosions between 2009 and the current time. Explosions of the devices have occurred throughout the world in the United States, Asia, and Europe. Since 2009, the west coast of the United States has been the location of almost 30 percent of the total number of explosions which equates to 58 instances. Even more upsetting, is that there have been 77 explosions in 2016 so far; 30 more than the total for 2015.

The explosions have happened under a variety of circumstances. The units have exploded while they were being used, during the time the units were being charged, or while stored in the pockets of those using the units. The injuries reported range from severe burns to cuts and lacerations. More serious injuries include mutilated limbs, temporary blindness, and impaired vision.  more

15 Comments on E-Cigarette Lawsuits Explode

  1. I’ve used one of these for several years and seen all these stories. The one thing all these accidents have in common is that these morons tweak the battery to get extra voltage. Newsflash…you don’t need 600V to vape and get a big cloud. A 4.8v battery with 2.4ohm coils will work just fine…and your juice will last longer too.

  2. Vaped fairly regularly for about 5 years now. Never had a mishap because I don’t tinker with the unit AT ALL. Like Mr. Burglestein said above, that’s what’s behind most of these mishaps. That or plain old cheap Chinese defective junk. Or they’re simply lying to get a payout from a new industry. Too bad, since the Fed is looking for any excuse to tax and/or kill vaping.

    In the meantime, I’m quite happy with my Kanger Nebox.

  3. Another trick is using the battery from a different brand. That’s another no-no.
    200 faults from millions sold, less than average failure rate even if purposely caused.

  4. So let’s see. . . . . approximately 200 explosions, out of how many MILLIONS sold, and used on a daily basis? Let’s lowball that, to “only” one million units sold and in use. So that’s 0.02%. Pretty low failure rate to me. I wish automobile failure rates and recalls were that good.

    Especially when you take into account (as has been mentioned above) all the tinkering and modifications done, that take the e-cigs beyond their original safety parameters.

    I wonder how many of those explosions were due to modifications? Has Lips For Brains taken those stats into account? Hhmmmmm?

  5. I rock with 4.6 volts on a kanthal 0.75 ohm coil wrapped and packed myself, with a single 18650, all stock equipment. People get into problems with mods and a general misunderstanding how the deal operates. Charging can always be an issue, never charge unattended, that goes for all batteries not just what’s in e-cigs.

  6. Screw that nicotine. I went cold turkey after smoking for 40 years. I may die young, but I feel great now and I don’t winded.

    The cure……in about 6 hours, drink fron half to full bottle of 10 High Whiskey while smoking 58 of 60 cigarettes on an empty stomach. Go to bed and do your best to fall asleep. Wake up and smoke your final 2 cigarettes. As you turn green, try not to puke. Stay awake the whole day until your normal bedtime.

    You will not get the urge to smoke for awhile.

    You may still get the urge occationally the first 6 months.

    By the way, I was told by an acquaintance to do this and it worked. Pavlov conditioning. It took me awhile to sip whiskey again, but no issues now. I would probably puke if I tried a cigarette.

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