Republicans Adopt ‘Most Conservative Platform in Modern History’ – IOTW Report

Republicans Adopt ‘Most Conservative Platform in Modern History’

Breitbart: CLEVELAND—Delegates at the Republican National Convention officially adopted the platform recommended by the Platform Committee, called by one “the most conservative platform in modern history.”

Republican delegates from across the nation are accepting the work of the 112-member Platform Committee, ratifying a platform that starkly contrasts with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

Here are the highlights

10 Comments on Republicans Adopt ‘Most Conservative Platform in Modern History’

  1. G-d is in the planning and the devil is in the details.
    This platform SOUNDS alright – for now.
    But let’s see how well the Republitards carry it out, and how well they can communicate.

  2. “Check’s in the mail.”
    “I won’t ___ in your mouth.”
    “This is REALLY the truth!”
    “Most Conservative Platform in History.”

    Yeah? Like the Great Reagan said: “Trust – but verify.”

    Regardless of Mr. Trump’s intentions, he must carry along a herd of RINOs.

    izlamo delenda est …

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