Video: Obama defends plagiarized speeches, ‘silly season’ to criticize – IOTW Report

Video: Obama defends plagiarized speeches, ‘silly season’ to criticize

I could spend a whole day just on Joe Biden’s plagiarism, but I’ll spare you.

joe biden

RedAlertPolitics: Nearly eight years before Melania Trump copied a few lines from the first lady, then-candidate Barack Obama faced similar charges and said it was all part of the political “silly season.”

At several campaign stops back in 2008, Obama plagiarized two lines in his stump speech from Gov. Deval Patrick (D- Mass.), which became a huge media firestorm.

During a CNN debate against Hillary Clinton, Obama addressed any concerns about plagiarizing by stating that they were just words and it was a distraction from the serious issues Americans cared about.

“This is when we start getting into silly season in politics and people start getting discouraged by it,” Obama said. “What they want is how are we going to create good jobs at good wages, how are we going to provide health care to the American people, how are we going to make sure college is affordable?”

Videos here.


SNIP: Here’s a little more from Breitbart

Michelle Obama Copied Alinsky in Speech Melania Trump Allegedly Plagiarized.


And from Patriot Retort:

…Let’s be honest here. For journalists to act like their hair is on fire because Melania Trump’s speech was not original is a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

If you are a regular listener to Rush Limbaugh, you know his frequently used “Media Montage” audio clips where he shows how a dozen or so television news people will utter the exact same words when reporting on a story — almost as if they are given the Democrat Talking Point playbook in advance.

Regular content-borrowers who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones my friends.

If journalists weren’t able to “borrow” from other writers, the major newspapers would be a one-page flyer and 24-hour cable news would be 7 hours and twenty-two minutes.  more

7 Comments on Video: Obama defends plagiarized speeches, ‘silly season’ to criticize

  1. obama said. “What they want is how are we going to create good jobs at good wages, how are we going to provide health care to the American people, how are we going to make sure college is affordable?”

    “and i have no idea how to provide any of that, i am a community organizer and all i know how to do is organize protests which blame everyone else for my own bad decisions, so vote for me!”

  2. Sure. .. . when a DildoCrat does it, “Nothing to see here, move along. SQUIRREL!”
    When a Republican/conservative does the exact same thing, “HANG ‘EM HIGH!”

  3. don’t allow yourselves to ever be surprised by the hypocrisy of the left

    imagine if the right were pushing a candidate with the level of criminality and lies that hillary clearly represents

    instead, nothing but silence from the left, and a continued anti-conservative diatribe from the biologically-incorrect hosts of the failed msnbc show, and others

  4. “This is when we start getting into silly season in politics and people start getting discouraged by it,” Obama said. “What they want is how are we going to create good jobs at good wages, how are we going to provide health care to the American people, how are we going to make sure college is affordable?”

    Failed on all aspects. ‘The Black Hole Presidency’. That is his legacy.

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