Clinton VP Contender Won’t Be Punished, Said He Didn’t ‘Intend’ To Break Federal Law – IOTW Report

Clinton VP Contender Won’t Be Punished, Said He Didn’t ‘Intend’ To Break Federal Law

LawNewz: The White House on Tuesday announced they would not seek to punish Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro, despite knowing he broke the law.

On Monday, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel issued a report that found Castro violated the Hatch Act during a Yahoo News interview on April 4, 2016.  According to the press release, “Secretary Castro’s statements during the interview impermissibly mixed his personal political views with official agency business despite his efforts to clarify that some answers were being given in his personal capacity.”  Castro reportedly expressed his support for Hillary Clinton during the interview and said Donald Trump was unfit to be president. It has been widely reported that Castro is on the shortlist to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Federal employees are not allowed to make partisan remarks when using their official title or when speaking about agency business.  Castro made his remarks in the HUD studio with the HUD seal visible behind him during the interview.  more here

20 Comments on Clinton VP Contender Won’t Be Punished, Said He Didn’t ‘Intend’ To Break Federal Law

  1. Just like Hillary not intending to break the National Security Laws, destroying evidence, allowing 4 Americans to be killed in Benghazi and lying for two years, setting up the sham Clinton foundation to take illegal contributions for Dept. of State contracts (pay to play politics). Intentions, Motives?
    How about a $Billion dollar clinton foundation, ignoring records act and obstructing Justice…….

    Equal Justice for all was killed by DOJ and the FBI.
    Hillary “is” the quintessential Washington establishment insider and she’s cashed in $Billions.

  2. Sorry Officer – I didn’t “intend” to run that red light – so you can’t give me a ticket.

    Doesn’t matter who she chooses anyway – she is going to lose, and then be prosecuted by the Trump administration.

  3. Yep. See how quickly the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences rears its head. The FiBbIes let Hellery get away with breaking the law because she “didn’t intend to”. Now EVERYONE is playing the same game with predictable results.

    We are now officially a country WROL (Without Rule of Law). We are now under the Rule of Man.

  4. Of all the legal excuses Comey could have used, “intent” is the worst. And the most indefensible in an actual courtroom. And the most laughable…

    I could go on, but I won’t.



    Standing on either side of the pool table, each opposing player gets a turn ‘Catch A Cue-ball’. Before the game begins, a coin tossed to see who gets to throw first.

    Scoring: Hand catch = 1 point for catcher.
    Mouth catch = Catcher WINS

  6. I heard speculation on MSM radio this morning about Cankles VP pick. Perez, Warren, Vilsack, blahblahblah, no mention of Castro. Maybe he’s been ruled out, but more likely is that the MSM has voluntarily stopped associating Castro with Cankles until this little kerfuffle blows over. They’ll be side by side at the convention, wearing matching Robes of Exoneration.

  7. Now… if we can just find some felonies, a domestic battery or two and maybe some harassment in his background, he will be eminently qualified to be a Clinton VP pick.

  8. It’s the “stupid” defense.
    Too stupid to know and adhere to the laws connected with his position.

    Who’s the coconut head in this story?

    Him, for flagrantly violating the law, or us for allowing it?

    There are, certainly, enough lamp posts in this country to accommodate them all.

    izlamo delenda est …

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