Kasich said Trump Jr. gave him a ‘most powerful’ VP offer but he turned it down – IOTW Report

Kasich said Trump Jr. gave him a ‘most powerful’ VP offer but he turned it down

trump kasich feud vp

(CNNDonald Trump and John Kasich’s teams are at war over whether the Republican presidential nominee ever seriously wanted the Ohio governor to join the ticket.

john kasich funny face

Multiple sources close to Kasich said Trump’s son, Donald Jr., tried to entice Kasich with a position as the most powerful vice president in history, but he turned it down. Kasich would have been in charge of all domestic and foreign policy in a Trump White House, Kasich sources said.
But Trump’s communications adviser insisted Wednesday that, while a call occurred between Donald Trump Jr. and top Kasich adviser John Weaver, a vice presidential offer was never on the table.

24 Comments on Kasich said Trump Jr. gave him a ‘most powerful’ VP offer but he turned it down

  1. “Kasich would have been in charge of all domestic and foreign policy in a Trump White House, Kasich sources said.”

    Obama told Biden the same thing, John. You got punked.

  2. John, I hope you enjoyed getting to tour small town diners and publicly eating like a filthy pig in front of the cameras because that was as close to getting into the Oval Office as your ever getting.

  3. I met Kasich right after Gingrich’s Contract With America landslide.
    Sat beside him for 2 hours on an airline flight.

    Kasich was a very chatty guy. Compulsive nonstop talker. Honestly he didn’t impress me as overly bright. Or very well informed, considering his position and all his resources.

    I wonder if he’s had a stroke.
    Or maybe he’s on recreational drugs?

  4. Loco, you’re dead right. As usual.
    The desire to rule over others is a peculiar form of mental illness.

    From the politicians I’ve met, I think you’re being generous about their individual IQs.

    Without political office they would be total nobodies.
    Just imagine a Barack Obama struggling to manage the night shift at any small town Waffle House. Or try to earn any kind of honest income of any kind.

  5. My wonderful, Norwegian Granddad had a saying or anecdote for just about every situation, but the one I’ve used the most in the last decade is, “It doesn’t take all kinds (to make the world go ’round), we just got ’em.”

    I’m with Rufus T. Firefly — I don’t think Kasich had a stroke, I do think he is dim-witted and insanely self-seeking. And that is the standard we’ve sunk to. Our expectations in our elected officials are as low as just about everything else in America right now. Folks, we’ve had several decades of the Progressive Left pounding on us (and our kids) telling us all that there are even entire groups of people cannot be trusted to think and act for themselves; that these people need to be ‘taken care of.’ It’s bred nothing but learned helplessness, failure, resentment and impotent rage.

    Poor Kasich. He just doesn’t understand his kind is, right now, on the slide to extinction in this country. If you doubt that, listen to Laura Ingraham’s speech at the convention tonight. Kasich may be the very last, or next to last, man in this country who mistakenly believes by virtue of his having been elected to office, he ‘deserves’ to keep his line at the trough. It’s not just his table manners, if you know what I’m saying.

  6. Be reasonable AA.
    Here you get to be the queen of angry hyperbole, but not everyone gets that right away.
    Really, he didn’t even give you a down twinkle.
    Relax, everything is all right.

  7. I see the special snowflakes have started the down twinkle campaign.
    Likely one of the cowards will start the ‘refresh and pound’ routine turning the posts into gibberish.
    The little stompyfeets will have their fun.

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