Trump On Display & Hillary In Hiding – IOTW Report

Trump On Display & Hillary In Hiding

Each party may succeed or fail in its mission. But one thing is certain: It is easier to change how you act than to change what you have already done in the past. And that is Trump’s key advantage.


The two conventions now assembling have diametrically opposite strategies, caused by their differing political needs.

Trump is in trouble because of how he acts.

Hillary is in trouble because of what she’s done.

The goal of the Republican Convention is to show Trump acting presidential yet passionate. Well informed yet focused on key issues. Dignified but also determined. The goal is to show Trump as those of us who know him well know him to be. (My father was his lawyer.)

The Democrats have the opposite problem. Their job is to counteract the negative opinions of Hillary almost two-thirds of America has formed.


6 Comments on Trump On Display & Hillary In Hiding

  1. @rat it’s because the democrats understand that this is war, they don’t shoot their own. For example look at Anthony Weiner, only after he repeatedly sent dick picks was he quietly asked to please go away, yet there really was no public shaming and Huma is still technically married to him, etc.

  2. In the days of the Celts, the wandering Bards were unmolested, and treated with reverence, lest they make up a damning rhyme or jest with the offender’s name in it.
    Lack of entertainment in those days made these snippets that much more long lived and damning and effective for shaping opinion.
    It worked for Johnny Cochran with “If the glove don’t fit, You must acquit”
    Trump should hire some Hollywood writers to provide hours of such ammunition for his battle with Fat Ass, thus also employing the Twain axiom:
    “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand”
    Then laugh her repellent grifter ass back to whatever hole she calls her lair.

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