Cops fire pepper spray after fight over flag-burning outside RNC – IOTW Report

Cops fire pepper spray after fight over flag-burning outside RNC

NYP: CLEVELAND — Police arrested 17 people Wednesday after a melee broke out during a flag-burning in the streets outside the Republican National Convention.

It was the most turbulent protest since the four-day convention began on Monday. The chaos briefly prevented delegates and members of the media from getting into the Quicken Loans Arena for the evening’s proceedings.

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12 Comments on Cops fire pepper spray after fight over flag-burning outside RNC

  1. You got it, Eugenia. Not pepper spray but an extinguisher that looks like one. The fire retardant is irritating so it was assumed to be pepper spray.

    Those damn police always being prepared and looking out for everyone – even the degenerates.

    Capt: For those of you assigned to RNC convention duty, everyone carries a fire extinguisher today. America haters will be there and you can expect fires.

    Sgt. Can we let them burn a little first?

    Capt: Unfortunately, no. Cameras will be there.

    Sgt: But I brought marshmallows!

    Capt: o.0

  2. Burning the flag, a regrettable consequence of protecting our first amendment rights.

    Burning yourself while trying to burn the flag, priceless!

    “You’re on fire stupid!”


    In 1968, Congress approved the Federal Flag Desecration Law after a Vietnam War protest. The law made it illegal to “knowingly” cast “contempt” upon “any flag of the United States by publicly mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning or trampling upon it.”

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