More Democrat Senate Candidates to Skip Convention – IOTW Report

More Democrat Senate Candidates to Skip Convention

DougRoss: In case you missed it, Missouri senate candidate Jason Kander’s sudden “scheduling conflict”makes him the latest to join a growing number of high-profile Democrat senate candidates planning to skip the Democratic National Convention next week. A report from The Hill rounds up the dodging Dems:

Campaigns for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.), former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) confirmed to The Hill that the candidates won’t attend the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
The report goes on to note that Iowa’s Patty Judge and North Carolina’s Deborah Ross are both hedging on whether and/or for how long they will attend the DNC.
With Secretary Clinton’s poll numbers tanking in battleground states, it looks like down-ballot Democrats are increasingly eager to distance themselves from their damaged nominee.  MORE

15 Comments on More Democrat Senate Candidates to Skip Convention

  1. Are they turning against progressive socialism or just worried about their election?
    Could they be getting a conscience……?????
    I could only hope they would turn to the blue dog democrats instead of the socialist corruptocrats who support hillary, pelosi and reid.

  2. If the DNConvention is as sparsely attended as every Killary rally was this year. The cameras will be scrambling to the lines for the restrooms in order to show groupings of 5 people or more.
    Let them spend their millions on the shitshow, and let the ass-kissing Media go down in flaming bankruptcy.

  3. I wouldn’t read too much into that; Remember how the Dems downsized their convention by 50,000 seats in 2012, and everybody said Obama had lost his drawing power?

    More likely, they are skipping because the DNC is trying to to hit them up for massive donations to fund the convention, and they remember how Duke Power’s $10,000,000 loan to the DNC 2012 convention ended up becoming a gift. Dems may be loose with OPM, but they are tight with their own.

  4. Why go to the DNC to chant,

    “black lives matter!”, “what do we want? dead cops! when do we want them? now!”, “no justice, no peace!”, “fight for $15!”,

    When you can go on any liberal shithole city street to do the same thing with the same people?

  5. i’m no expert, so don’t count on my assessment, but here it is – hillary is going down in flames

    no resume of significance

    need a separate train to carry the growing load of clinton baggage, lies and criminality that is obvious to all

    she is inhuman and out of touch with real people and it shows

    support from her most staunch supporters is tepid at best

    “defeat” of berniebots will hurt her, along with bernie endorsement, as his supporters feel betrayed and hate hillary

    she follows the worst president in history, to continue the disastrous path forward

    the comey blessing hurt her, most people are in disbelief

    people need to feel safe in an environment that has an unsecured border, an influx islamic immigrants, release from prisons of criminals to our neighborhoods, 2a under attack, etc

    many citizens of color are becoming all the wiser to failed leftist bullshit

    she is running against a candidate who is a polar opposite to her in personality and policy

    you will see a continued drop in the polls over the next few mos

  6. Socialists are completely self-serving, if nothing else.
    And Hussein DID lose in 12, but for the gross voter fraud – CO, OH, PA, and FL – and the Mensheviks (RINOs) declined to pursue the matter, not wanting to “rock the boat” and verify what most Americans knew or suspected – that the Republic is DEAD.
    The Demonrats realize that, this year, the voter fraud will have to be tremendous, and much more blatant, in order to get their ticket elected – too many Americans seem to be awakened to the fraud and malfeasance.

    Rats have an uncanny ability to perceive that the ship is sinking.

    izlamo delenda est …

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