Laura Ingraham took no prisoners at the RNC – IOTW Report

22 Comments on Laura Ingraham took no prisoners at the RNC

  1. Her verbal slam of the media right to their faces on national TV was epic and memorable.

    Very Gingrichesque……until Cruz stole the fanfare by making a political martyr out of himself.

    Note to Cruz: If Trump loses in 2016, their won’t BE any 2020 election. Hell, the way things are going there might not be any 2016 “election”.

  2. just watched this earlier for the first time

    juxtapose this against the cruz speech

    ted, this is how an endorsement should be presented, for future reference

    blind fools forgot to turn the sarc off

    Nah, they have a still picture of her waiving to someone in the stands. They caught her at the perfect moment when her hand was straight off her wrist. The lefties are calling this proof she’s a white supremacist and a Nazi.

  4. This was the speech of the night. Bar none. She knows how to deliver.
    I used to listen to Laura on the radio years and years ago and even then she was speaking against illegals.
    I’d like to see her as press secretary. One smart woman!

  5. Tsunami, if you were serious about the ‘gay’ comment, I don’t believe Laura is gay, I have read that she has a gay brother. Anyway, the media would be in quite the conundrum if they tried to attack her on that subject!

  6. Geri,

    I’m just posing the possibility based on how tolerant and diversified the left -wing media is when their integrity becomes impugned by the right-wing.

    Just keep an ear to the rails and see if I’m proved right.

  7. Laura is fierce and has a very agile, articulate brain. Mika B. on Mornin’ Joe, once admitted something along the lines that her boyfriend in college either left her for Laura, or had a severe crush on her. I think Laura was going to be on Mornin’ Joe, and Mika seemed more than a bit intimidated.

  8. Holy Mackerel! What a speech! Absolutelyfantasticimus. Just listened to it now. She really stuck it to the media. Watch for big time insults. Then again, they may have gotten the message, which is: You asswipes have been dormant for the last eight years. You protected Obama and the caitiffs that he surrounded himself with. You have to share the blame for the situation our Country is in. You shirked the duty of “A FREE PRESS.”

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