Napolitano: The FBI exoneration of Hillary raises disturbing questions – IOTW Report

Napolitano: The FBI exoneration of Hillary raises disturbing questions

WT: What if the folks who run the Department of Political Justice recently were told that the republic would suffer if Hillary Clinton were indicted for espionage because Donald Trump might succeed Barack Obama in the presidency? What if espionage is the failure to safeguard state secrets and the evidence that Mrs. Clinton failed to safeguard them is unambiguous and overwhelming?

What if President Obama never really liked his former rival whom he appointed as his secretary of state? What if he had no real interest in seeing her succeed him because he and his wife simply could never trust her?

What if, when Mrs. Clinton suggested to the president that the United States wage a secret, undeclared war against Libya, the president went along with it as a no-lose proposition? What if he assumed that if her secret war succeeded he’d get the credit, and if her secret war failed she would get the blame?

What if the means of fighting the secret war consisted of employing intelligence assets rather than the U.S. military? What if Mrs. Clinton concocted that idea because the use of the military requires a public reporting to the entire Congress but the use of intelligence assets requires only a secret reporting to a dozen members of Congress?  MORE

18 Comments on Napolitano: The FBI exoneration of Hillary raises disturbing questions

  1. Gee Wally, what if the Republicans had the balls to pass an amendment preventing the President from pardoning someone for the high crimes of treason and bribery, which the H-bag is easily guilty of?

    Well Beave, then they would have impeached the sunovabitch a long time ago!

  2. What if evangelical Christians would completely ignore Hillary’s criminal and traitorous behavior and fatal character flaws while at the same condemning Trump as though he was way worse than Hillary?

  3. Well, judge, what can we do about it?

    The boldness of this wicked regime and the sleazy Clinton Mafia is getting stronger. What will bring them down??

    You’re the expert! Suggest something!

  4. This would fit right in with all the other slaps in the face of America from that moslem faggot who seeks to destroy us.

    Sooner or later the truth always speaks for itself. These crimes must not go unpunished.

  5. @Jet Jaguar, Mike Pence is an evangelical Christian.

    There is nothing wrong with being an evangelical Christian. Fact is, that is what the Bible commands. (Mark 16:15)

  6. Unruly, I also am an Evangelical Christian. I am calling out the many Christians that refuse to vote for Trump out of principle. These Christians expect a Jesus-is-Lord presidential candidate, but the Church has ignored politics for decades. The Church should be sending out candidates, beginning at the precinct level. Instead, we’ve been conditioned to believe in the Separation of Church and Politics. A lie. We should be salt and light to this country. Christians should be unabashedly driving the culture. Instead, we are “playing Church” while evil has its way with our nation. What these ignorant Christians don’t realize is that once the Leftists completely uproot Christian influence from the public sphere, they will continue on to the Churches and even private worship of God in our homes. Dark days are ahead. The forces of evil have always been seeking a foothold. What is different is that the Church has recused itself from any meaningful participation in leadership of all levels of government. God help us to wake up!

  7. Jet Jaguar, sorry, I misread your intent. I have seen so many people bash evangelicals because they didn’t like Cruz, I assumed that was the case here.
    You are completely right about that, as stated in your last comment.
    There is a sorry bunch who call themselves Christians but are, through their actions or lack of, trying to drive voters away from Trump — and they must be so blind that they cannot see the only other choice at the polls is the criminal Hillary.

    I am a follower of Christ, but I don’t adhere to any man-made denomination. I usually tell people that I am the same religion as Jesus (Yeshua). I just don’t like to see Christians, or Jews, bashed around. And now I know that is not what you were doing.
    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I know where you stand now.

    The Christian church is weak in many ways, and there are a lot of false preachers. But there are still a lot of evangelicals who Trump graciously thanked for support in his convention speech. So not all is lost. 🙂
    Some of the most devout Christians I know are not very vocal about politics. Some see prophecy being fulfilled and may just be waiting for the end to come soon. I still call them my brothers. But if they are going to be vocal about politics, they need to be vocal in a way that will help US, not Hillary!

    God be with us.

  8. I just came here ’cause I loved the Hillary – LIAR graphic at the top.

    We went and saw “Hillary’s America” in the theater last night. It should be mandatory viewing for all voters.


    My plan is made: I using my Ouija board to channel William Shakespeare so I cam write a play in iambic pentameter about it. Working title: “Before a Fall” (as in, “Pride goeth……”).

  10. No thumbs down? Must be like a college campus. No disagreement allowed.
    I agree with 99% of what is posted here but I should be able to to show my displeasure without having to respond to every comment I disagree with. That’s supposed to be the advantage of a computer. To save time.

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