Black Lives Matter is the tail, not the dog – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter is the tail, not the dog

AT: Wouldn’t it be pretty to think all we had to do to stop black people from killing cops was put a few leaders of Black Lives Matter in jail?

That is what Donald Trump recently told Bill O’Reilly: “Everybody is free to say what you want to say up to a point,” Trump said. “But when you are calling death to police and to kill the police, essentially — which is what they said — that’s a real problem, Bill. That’s a real big problem.”

True enough. But Black Lives Matter is the tail, not the dog.

The dog is the towering level of black violence, hostility and criminality that is so wildly out of proportion. And puts cops in conflict with black people so often.

And how reporters and public officials ignore, deny, condone, excuse, encourage and even lie about it.

The talking heads just cannot talk plainly about it.

Instead we get gobbledygook about criminal justice reform and better police community relations. Next time you hear that, just remember what that really means: Black criminals do not like getting caught.

And neither do their enablers in newsrooms and city halls.

The angry young gay black women who started BLM became famous by hijacking a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle, then booing Martin O’Malley off a stage and later making him cower in fear when they forced him to apologize for saying All Lives Matter.

But the enormous amount of harassment, defiance, violence, and murder directed at cops from black people hardly started with them —


6 Comments on Black Lives Matter is the tail, not the dog

  1. The idiots are trying to treat violence as a social disease. Just apply the right criminogenic remedies (education, jobs, social justice, etc.) and the problem disappears, like a hellish rash. Except it doesn’t.

    It is a disease of the soul hat afflicts our nation and the remedies are vastly different.

  2. Ask yourself why everyone that comes here and I’m speaking generally of races, seems to have found the American Dream.

    That would be everyone but blacks. In fact when you look at where they originate from, Africa, there’s not a whole lot of what you would call innovation that have poured out of there. They evolved to live tribally in a perpetually warm climate and were living quite well that way from what I’ve read.

    Trying to impose western civ on them and having them live here in a civil society doesn’t seem to have worked out very well does it?

    Individually there are millions of upstanding blacks but taken as a whole, ask yourself why does 3% of our population committee well over half of all violent crime? If it weren’t for the left dominated media obfuscating the truth about the one sided race war and this garbage was all out it the open, we could deal with it honestly in whatever way necessary.

  3. I’ve been all over Iceland a number of times-even their small villages in the middle of no where have geo-thermal public pools, very cool.

    However DO NOT get into a discussion about politics especially with their women after you’ve knocked back a few in a local bar. What they don’t get is that their population is homogenous & tiny and they like to believe that socialism is responsible for their stability.

    Of course like all socialist meccas, they hit the wall a few years ago and their central bank imploded. Still, you could walk around downtown Reykjavík at 3 in the morning and the only thing to fear would be a suicide landing on you(especially in the winter, light @ 10am and dark again @ 3pm)

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