Federal judge blocks Michigan ban on straight party voting … because it’s racist – IOTW Report

Federal judge blocks Michigan ban on straight party voting … because it’s racist

We can’t expect blacks to know the names of the people they’re voting for.

CAIN- Recently, Michigan lawmakers passed a measure that would have eliminated the option to vote a straight ticket.  The law would have brought the mitten in line with 39 other states that already eliminated straight-party voting. Basically, under the new system, you’d have to vote for someone, instead of just checking the “R” or “D.”

Well, we have news for you people who live in those 39 other, ugly, vile, states. You’re a bunch of racists!  Fortunately for Michigan, a judge understands how hateful you are, and has blocked the state’s effort to join your foul ranks.  more here

7 Comments on Federal judge blocks Michigan ban on straight party voting … because it’s racist

  1. both parties are different sides of the same coin.

    at this point what difference does it make.

    the republicans with control of both house still do the democrat bidding.

    you will see more opposition to trump from the house and senate in republican control than you saw opposition to obama.

    i’ll bet on it.

  2. There’s a Straight Party? As opposed to a Gay Party?

    The Straights must be part of that neglected, put-upon, ignored, disenfranchised group whose back Trump promises to have.

  3. In the words of Mr. Bill, “Oh noooooo!” Now the snowflakes will have to work twice as hard as the help the long dead to vote, or those wanting t vote 17 times, pot those double voting for aunt Edna, or those voting for the neighbors who moved away, and etc.

  4. Is it racist to keep thinking that blacks and other minorities are stupid because they keep voting for democraps? Can’t they see that the democraps want to keep them stupid so they’ll keep voting for them in perpetuity. Who are the real racists, the democraps are because they keep convincing blacks etc. that they’re all victims and only their so called enlightened policies are the only way to save them. How’s that working after 50 years of failure since LBJ started his War on poverty?

  5. I like the straight ticket. I know ahead of time who’s on the ballot. If they are all republicans, then it’s one and done. Now when Ms Lindsay come up again it’s a different story. I will not sully the sanctity of the ballot by including him on a “straight” ticket.

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