Sharpton, Holder, among others get served race war lawsuit – IOTW Report

Sharpton, Holder, among others get served race war lawsuit

DailyCaller: [… ] A video shows a process server attempting to give Sharpton the lawsuit but the reverend instead got into the back of town car while body guards dropped the package on the ground. Sharpton said he didn’t realize he was being served.

A class action lawsuit was filed Saturday naming civil rights leader Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, President Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Black Lives Matter leader DeRay McKesson and four BLM founders. It accused the defendants of inciting violence “with the fiction that police officers and other law enforcement are intentionally and systematically targeting and hunting blacks and other minorities to kill them for no reason other than racism or sport.”  more here

17 Comments on Sharpton, Holder, among others get served race war lawsuit

  1. yes by all means lets get this “discussion” every talking head wants to have about race started.

    i’ll go first.

    I want to continue to live in a first world society and country. with all the luxury that goes with it. like toilet paper and food.

    why don’t you black people (is that the race we need to discuss?, maybe we should actually define what determines a race first?)
    want to enjoy the same things? and if you do as well, why don’t you act like it?

    stop killing stealing and aborting yourself into poverty. I do not like having to pay taxes to house you in prisons it gets very expensive.

    no you can have your say, I am listening.

  2. Actions speak louder then words Bill and I’m done listening to the bullshit. The actions of the black community in this country are a fucking disgrace. Most people would feel shame but I’m sure not seeing that. What I see is justification for murdering policemen.

    Trump could not have said, “law and order” enough last night. It stopped this crap in the 60s & 70s because responding in overwhelming force tends to tamp this kind of thing down.

    Remember Bobby Hutton, Mark Clark, Eldridge Cleaver, Fred Hampton…I do, especially Clark & Hampton, killed in Chicago when I still lived there. The police stormed in and murdered these two guys as they had had enough. Terrible that it comes to that but then like now, lies about racist police were the rationalization. When the police were given reign to come down on these communists like a ton of bricks, suddenly, shooting police wasn’t so appealing.

    It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

  3. Is this a civil suit filed in New York State Court? Because if it is, Sharpton might just face a default judgment by ignoring the summons.

    A fairly lenient judge might accept the service as valid. There is a type of personal service known as “SAD”–Suitable Age and discretion. SAD service occurs when you serve the papers on a person who is at least 18 years old, sober, alert, and free from obvious mental defect, believing that this person will give the papers to the defendant.

    My quibbles with the service: The server said, “I have papers for (Sharpton).” I would have preferred he said, “These are legal papers from (name of specific court) for Alfred Charles Sharpton, Jr.” And if he’d moved faster, he might have been able to serve Sharpton himself by saying he had legal papers from x court and throwing them into the car, through an open door or window, at Sharpton.

    Note that it is NOT NECESSARY under New York State’s Civil Practice Law and Rules, which govern service of legal process for cases filed in any court operated by the New York State Unified Court System, for the defendant/respondent to ACCEPT the papers. The server notifying him that he has legal papers from x court for him is what puts him on notice, NOT his acceptance of the papers. If the defendant refuses to accept the papers, the server may just drop the papers on the ground, turn around, and walk away. That is still considered good service, the defendant is still deemed served, and the plaintiff’s interest in the case is preserved.

    BTW, this is part of a canned speech that I have to give my filing litigants up to 75 times a week when they file petitions.

  4. @pageoturner:

    FWIW, New York State law permits deception to fool the defendant into accepting the papers.

    I worked as a process server briefly in the 1980s. The law firm for which I worked specialized in wealthy clients who wished to divorce. Everything about my appearance screamed “Secretary!” So the ruse I used to lure the defendant from his office into the reception area of his company was to say I was so and so from thus and such temp agency and my goodness, what does Mr. Smith mean he didn’t order a temp; can I just speak to him for a moment so we can clear up this misunderstanding?

    It always worked.

  5. Now… TRY getting a red cent from this huckster! Or, to quote the fictional Maryland State Senator, Clay Davis, from HBO’s ‘The Wire’: “Son, you cain’t hustle me, ‘cuzI invented that hustle! Sheeeeeeeeee-yit!”

  6. I predict this will go nowhere.
    A civil suit? With this “Justice” Department? In this day and age?
    Good luck with that.

    A better strategy might be the tax-evasion angle.(Worked for Al Capone.)
    Now that I think of it, Racketeering charges might stick.

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