Cops drive “bomb” away from packed Times Square – IOTW Report

Cops drive “bomb” away from packed Times Square

CBS NEW YORK — Two New York City police officers were sitting in a patrol car parked in the heart of Times Square when a man approached Wednesday night and threw what looked like a bomb from his SUV into their car.

It was 11:30 p.m. and Times Square was still teeming with theatergoers, restaurant patrons and the usual throngs of tourists.

The device landed with a thud on the squad car’s dashboard and the man fled in his SUV. Sgt. Hameed Armani and Officer Peter Cybulski stared briefly at the tin-foil-wrapped object and began driving their car, with the object still inside, away from the crowds.

“We knew what each other was thinking. We weren’t going to let anything happen in Times Square,” Cybulski said at a Thursday morning press conference.

“We both said our prayers,” Armani said. “We thought, ‘This is it, you know, we’re not gonna make it.’ But I’m happy I’m not gonna — no one is gonna get hurt.”  more here

11 Comments on Cops drive “bomb” away from packed Times Square

  1. Something I’ve noticed, as I have a background and quite some training in explosives from military devices to civilian commercial products.

    Damn near all of the ‘explosive devices’ seen, found, rounded up, poked at with robots and EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) guys in bomb suits that shut down malls and interstates, just ain’t.

    They’re bullshit.

    Most of the guys concocting this crap couldn’t make an explosion with a penis and a bottle of hand lotion.

    The one’s who do have some talent or training make shit that goes high order (big boom) before anyone knows it’s even there.

    There really isn’t any in between.

  2. As much of a shithole as New York City is, they have the BEST police force on the planet.

    I’d like to kick Comrade Wilhelm in the nuts for not showing them any love.

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