‘Kill More Cops’ Graffiti Mural Appears on Major L.A. Freeway – IOTW Report

‘Kill More Cops’ Graffiti Mural Appears on Major L.A. Freeway

Breitbart: A reader has e-mailed Breitbart News an image showing a graffiti mural reading “KILL MORE COPS” along Interstate 5 in Los Angeles, a major commuting route in the San Fernando Valley just north of Burbank and Hollywood.

According to an e-mail from the reader, who took a photo of the graffiti in the midst of traffic, “It is right at the Sheldon exit, northbound side of the 5 freeway near Van Nuys CA. I have seen it for the last 3 days but not sure when it was first up. It is on a fence next to another wall.”  MORE

SNIP: In my opinion, this wasn’t a BLM thing. It looks like the typical Mexican gang graffiti found in the San Fernando Valley. Both groups are disgusting.

5 Comments on ‘Kill More Cops’ Graffiti Mural Appears on Major L.A. Freeway

  1. I know the area, and I’d wager that photo was taken facing west.

    MS-13 is out there threatening Mexicans who support Trump. Probably funded by Hillary.

  2. Baton Rouge had seen intense protests after police shot and killed a black man, Alton Sterling, who had allegedly been threatening a homeless man at a convenience store, and who had been wrestled to the ground at the time he was shot, where he allegedly reached for his gun as officers tried to subdue him. Mayor Eric Garcetti has, in contrast to several other mayors, offered unequivocal support for law enforcement during the past few tumultuous weeks.

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