CNN Commentator is Getting Hammered for Her Response to Hillary VP Speaking Spanish – IOTW Report

CNN Commentator is Getting Hammered for Her Response to Hillary VP Speaking Spanish

IJR: Scottie Hughes, a conservative journalist and Trump-supporting commentator, has only been part of CNN since early July.

In an exchange with Wolf Blitzer on Saturday, Hughes made a comment about Hillary’s VP pick that’s really turning heads.

Blitzer wanted to know what Hughes thought about Tim Kaine speaking Spanish.

She replied:

“I appreciate him having multicultural and speaking Spanish. I think that’s a great idea. And we can all bring out our language. Melania could come out and speak her five different languages as well.

But what Mr. Trump did he spoke in a language that all Americans can understand, that is English. And that is one good thing that I thought was a great thing we saw.

I didn’t have to get a translator for anything that was going on at the RNC this week.”

Hughes continued:

14 Comments on CNN Commentator is Getting Hammered for Her Response to Hillary VP Speaking Spanish

  1. Sure Kaine speaks Spanish but can he speak ClintonSpeak?

    Define “is”
    Define “Sexual relations”
    Define “Security review”
    Define “Inter-agency dispute”
    Define “Allowed”
    Define “Home-brew Server”
    Define “Suicide”

  2. The left is clueless as usual. Wanting English spoken is not racist. Also, have any of the people getting their race out over speaking Spanish been to Spain? It’s full of white people (as are many South American countries where Spanish is the primary language).

  3. I am on vacation this week. One of the things that I am loving about it is that I can speak to people without having to use an interpreter.

    I work in a majority-Hispanic jurisdiction and am now using Spanish interpreters more than ever before. What a drag on my efficiency. It isn’t just the language–it’s the entire fucking culture.

    Last week I needed a full hour to prepare a custody petition that should have taken twenty minutes. The petitioner was a Dominican woman who had a baby when she was 17 (thus setting off my Slut-o-Meter instantly). She lived in New York State, although not in my jurisdiction. The father lived in New Jersey. The child, now 3-1/2, had never left the D.R. She was trying to be cute by getting an order of sole custody to circumvent Dominican law, which requires the consent of the father before she bring the child out of the country.

    I explained that there was no way my court could hear this case because my court had absolutely zero jurisdiction to hear it. She insisted I file the petition, so I did–under Section 2.16(c) of the New York State Family Court Act of 1965, which I call “the ‘this-petition-won’t-fly-if-you-wings-on-it’ clause.”

    Of course, she didn’t have the child’s birth certificate. I told her that she needed to bring a photocopy of it to court on her hearing date, and that it HAD to be accompanied by a certified English translation. Big, pouty tantrum–“Well, how can I get it if the baby was born in the Dominican Republic?” “Don’t they have telephones and mail service in the Dominican Republi?” “And can’t the court translate it?” “No, because the judges work in English.” (Stupid twat!) It took fifteen minutes to figure out how the father’s name got on the birth certificate. (“He took a DNA test.” “Well, that may have proven he’s the biologocal father, but it wouldn’t have been enough to make him the LEGAL father. Did a judge enter an order of filiation? Did the two of you sign an acknowledgment of paternity? “In MY country–” “Forget about YOUR country, Madame; you are in THIS country now, and you are seeking relief in the courts of THIS country..”) By the time I got to the part about serving Papi the papers (of course she had no idea WHERE in New Jersey he lived), I swear she was ready to slice my ass up with a shiv.

    Trump can’t build that fucking wall soon enough.

  4. The Democrat party is a terrorist organization responsible for every crime committed by both illegal aliens and Muslims they assist and insist on forcing on the citizens of this country!

  5. Yonkers; I feel for you. In stinkin calif you’re hard pressed to find a job that doesn’t have speaking spanish as a requirement. Every state gov’t job practically mandates it. Oh, and our gov’t holds MOST back door meetings in spanish. We’re getting screwed on so many levels, guns, taxes, “fees”, culture, religion. I got out once and came back 10 years ago. Dumbest thing I ever did. Too old to leave now.

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