Man Stole Dead Man’s Identity To Avoid Divorce Proceedings – IOTW Report

Man Stole Dead Man’s Identity To Avoid Divorce Proceedings

THV11: PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — (WFLA) Florida investigators say a man’s desire to avoid divorce proceedings was behind a bizarre case of identity theft.

The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office says Richard Hoagland stole the identity of a Terry J. Symansky, a dead man, in 1994, and since then has gotten married, had a child, obtained a pilot’s license and obtained mortgages in Symansky’s name.   MORE

6 Comments on Man Stole Dead Man’s Identity To Avoid Divorce Proceedings

  1. I’m confused. How does stealing someone identity protect you from divorce proceedings? From his original identity or the stolen identity? The links don’t explain that part of the story.

  2. He should have first declared himself to be a Muslim repeated out loud three times I divorce thee and the case would have been closed. That, plus an invite to the White Mosque would have been a bucket list capper!

  3. He scarpered on his wife and four children in Indiana.

    The wife “told investigators that Hoagland told her in the early 1990s that he was wanted by the FBI for embezzling millions of dollars and had no choice but to leave town, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

    In reality, Hoagland told investigators that he left Indiana to get away from his wife.”

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