NY State Ads in North Carolina Face Complaints – IOTW Report

NY State Ads in North Carolina Face Complaints

WSJ: New York’s advertising campaigns promoting the state’s economic-development opportunities have faced criticism for their high costs and meager returns in job creation. Now they have encountered another challenge.

A former North Carolina Supreme Court judge has filed complaints with the U.S. Office of Special Counsel and a New York state ethics panel alleging that taxpayer-funded ads Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration has run in North Carolina violated the Hatch Act by interfering with the gubernatorial and legislative races in that state.

The commercials, which reference the state’s so-called transgender bathroom law, among policies by other states, “mention North Carolina and its leadership in a transparent attempt to criticize, interfere and affect the impending North Carolina elections,” according to the federal complaint filed by the retired judge, Robert F. Orr.  more

12 Comments on NY State Ads in North Carolina Face Complaints

  1. Any “economic-development opportunities” offered by the state of New Yawk, are only temporary, and changed on a politician’s whim. Savvy business owners know this, and like the wise old fish, won’t bite on the bait.

  2. Violation of the Hatch Act? So…. says the United States Department of Just Us. If a conservative had done it, it would be jail time, but Cuomo is DNC Royalty, so it was apparently an unintentional, accidental, innocent oversight.

    “Y’all move on a long. Nothin’ to see here, folks.”

  3. What a maroon. Does he REALLY think that employees are going to GAFF about transgender bathroom rights? These are businesspeople who will locate wherever the profit will be best. And given the high taxes, strangulation-level regulation, and poorly educated workforce we have here, that choice is very unlikely to be New York State.

    Bonus reason to hate Douchey-Douche: It is now 5 years, 3 months, and 25 days since my union has had a contract.

    And, apropos of nothing, I just checked the weather in Philly. Not even noon yet, and it’s already 82 degrees F. and 79% humidity. Get ready to rumble, folks!

  4. Hey Andrew, hate to tell you this, but I think the Tranny Toilet Tempest has passed. Why don’t you try a car karaoke commercial campaign? It seems to be all the rage among middle-aged democrats.

    “Welcome to New York where the playas play
    And we ride on them things like every day
    Big beats, hit streets, see gangsta’s roamin’
    And parties dont stop til’ eight in the mornin”

  5. I bet you are looking at the next democrat nominee after the beast.

    is that called a “shit eating grin”?

    believe it or not there is a woman who will kiss that.

  6. A few weeks ago I was visiting my old home town in upstate NY. I mentioned this add which I have seen in AZ and ID. to my friends son who 1s a small business owner. I laughed at Como’s promise of tax free for 10 years. As a small business owner who is wacked by NY high taxes, he was stunned, the add he sees in NY does not mention freedom from taxes.

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