Nothing says “Leadership” like playing the victim – IOTW Report

Nothing says “Leadership” like playing the victim

PatriotRetort: Oh yes my friends! Hillary Clinton is ready and able to lead this nation! She’s got the knowledge. She’s got the experience! And most importantly, she’s an expert at playing the victim.

Because nothing says “Leadership” quite like playing the victim.

Hillary was on 60 Minutes last night where she showed her Leadership Chops by whining about how unfairly she is treated.

Scott Pelly: “I was speaking to a young African American man just the other day … in a Democratic state. And he said, and I’ll quote, ‘You know, I guess I would vote for Hillary except for that corruption problem,’ end quote. As I talked to him further, he didn’t quite know what he meant by that. But, that was his impression and concern. Why do you think people say that about you?”

Hillary Clinton: “Well, first. I will take responsibility for any … uh … um … impression … or anything I’ve ever done that people … um … have legitimate questions about. But, I think that it’s fair to say … uh … There’s been a concerted effort to convince people like that young man of something. Nobody’s quite sure what … but of something. I often feel like there’s the ‘Hillary standard’ and then there’s the standard for everybody else. And–”

Scott Pelley: “What’s the ‘Hillary Standard’?”

Hillary Clinton: “Well, it—it is .. uh … you know … a lot of — as you saw at the Republican Convention — uh … unfounded, inaccurate, mean-spirited attacks with no basis in truth … uh … reality, which take on a life of their own. And for whatever reasons — and I don’t want to try to analyze the reasons — I see it. I understand it. Um … People are very … uh … willing to say things about me, to make accusations about me that are … are … I don’t get upset about them anymore. But they … they are very regrettable.”

Oh, booo hooooooooooooo hoooooooo.

Poor, poor Hillary is a VICTIM!!!



No basis in truth?

You got that? All these unfair attacks against this poor victim are nothing but a bunch of unfounded lies.  MORE

18 Comments on Nothing says “Leadership” like playing the victim

  1. Excellent point Dianny-imagine if or when Trump spends the 100s of millions she is already in the process of spending, to run negative ads.

    She’ll probably have the Fred Sanford Big One.
    Did you watch that interview-I couldn’t bring myself to it. Scott Pelley is a worm, I’m surprised he even went there.

  2. Hey now come on that little filly once dodged sniper fire and an outright bimbo assault on her husband! There has got to be some spark of humanness in there somewhere!

  3. hillary has been careless, corrupt, dishonest, inept and pathetic since her time in Arkansas, as a vindictive first lady, her carpet bagger years as a failed NY Senator and as a blundering Sec. of State whose callousness and incompetence got 4 people killed in Benghazi.

    She has NEVER accepted personal responsibility for her actions. She has NEVER been held accountable for the crimes she’s committed.

    What has anyone seen that would lead them to the conclusion her character has changed? I see nothing.

  4. ” I don’t get upset about them anymore. But they … they are very regrettable.”

    The bitch has no conscience, but she hates like hell when she gets caught doing something that would make any normal person realize what a corrupt criminal she really is.

  5. Sad to say, it works.

    I knew a woman of a conservative bent, who lamented that “They made her cry!” during the Benghazi hearings. It ripped her heart to see “that woman” so put upon by her interlocutors. It plays to the gallery. For those of us who see “sympathy” (particularly for evildoers) as something between “shit” and “syphilis,” it’s difficult to understand; but there it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Do anything, Say anything, be all things to all people.
    In trying to be all things she proves she is none of them.
    It used to be that the status of one’s feelings were relegated to private company of good friends and allies, not part and parcel of public identity.
    Hilary is a hollow vessel filled with lies.

  7. One of the popes–I think it may have been John Paul II–once remarked that America was the only country where poor people are fat.

    In a singular vein I would like to note that America also appears to be the only country where “victims” are multi-millionaires with multiple houses in very expensive neighborhoods, armed security, and drivers. And who wear $12,000 jackets over their fatass-covering pantsuits.

  8. Apropos of nothing in particular, I’m wondering what words of wisdom Ms. Fatty Pantsuit will have for us when she speaks Thursday night. At this time last week, a lot of people (most notably Michael Goodwin and John Podhoretz of the New York Post) were saying that the pressure on Trump was enormous; it would be President Clinton on January 20 if he did not deliver a speech that was absolutely perfect.

    Trump, God bless him, rose to the occasion. And he spoke at the end of a relatively peaceful convocation. Hillary, by comparison, gets last licks in what has begun–and will surely end–as a train wreck of divisiveness and flaring tempers. What can she possibly say to give the impression that the Dems really do have it all together, and that she and she alone can carry the presidential banner?

    My answer: she can’t. There are just too many factors working against her. Even the weather forecasts aren’t helping her. I for one plan to be right in front of a radio tuned to WINS-AM in New York (they broadcast Trump’s speech in its entirety and i’m sure they’ll do the same for her) with a YUUUUUGE bowl of popcorn. Hey, I’m on vakay this week–maybe I’ll even wash it down with some wine.

  9. I’m just wondering if Killary will get the Two-Shots-to-the-Back-of-the-Head suicide?
    That always was my favorite.

    Suppose it depends on if the Soros/Jarrett presidency has a viable alternate groomed in the bullpen.

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