‘Who’s In Charge?!’ It’s Day One And The DNC Is Already Falling Apart – IOTW Report

‘Who’s In Charge?!’ It’s Day One And The DNC Is Already Falling Apart

DC: The Democratic National Convention began Monday and is already full of frustrated attendees upset with the poor logistics.

At one entrance to the Wells Fargo Center Monday, a line of uncomfortable, sweating conference attendees seethed after being told they could not enter. When one person pressed the staff member as to why they were waiting, the staff member replied that he needed to call someone but didn’t have a walkie talkie. Around the corner, one man could be heard yelling “Who’s in charge?!” to an employee seemingly incapable of providing help.

“No one knows what they’re doing here,” another attendee shot in the air. This reporter was told conflicting information from multiple employees, many of whom had no idea which entrance to go to or where the media tent was located.
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16 Comments on ‘Who’s In Charge?!’ It’s Day One And The DNC Is Already Falling Apart

  1. In less than twenty four hours the DNC has created a mini-Venezuela. Complete with coups and vote-rigging. Wait until the multigender bathrooms run out of toilet paper. Hillary may actually have to corkscrew in under sniper fire.

  2. Evil thrives on chaos.
    We really shouldn’t underestimate the anger and frustration being engendered by socialism – not just at the convention, but throughout America and the World. Chaos, destruction, hatred, envy, pestilence, grinding poverty, misery, decay, death, dissolution, fatalism, corruption, and nihilism aren’t “unintended consequences” of this evil pernicious ideology, but its AIM.
    Socialism, whether National, InterNational, or “Democratic,” is INTENDED to bring misery and death, hate and envy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This does not surprise me at all. At some point when I was in high school, I read an article about the Democrat National Committee still owing Florida Bell thousands of dollars for the phones that were installed on the convention center floor in Miami Beach in 1972.

    Please note, the convention took place several weeks before I began high school. I graduated almost three years after the convention had taken place.

    Having worked in my father’s office, my understanding of business bill-paying was: you paid the bills every Saturday and took them over to the post office before it closed at 1:00 p.m. If the bill-paying cleaned out the account, then Mom would make noodle casseroles every night for dinner the following week.

    I’ve never liked the Democrats since.

  4. Regardless of what the MSM says about the DNC Convention being disorganized, the Bernie Rabble, the DNC Bernie Hit Squad do not be deceived that this is costing Clinton the November election. The true believers will mark X for Clinton and it doesn’t matter what happens in the convention, the disaffected Bernie supports will mark X unless Trump and his people run a campaign to keep them riled up against the DNC and Hillary (they could form a PAC to do this and it wouldn’t be a tough sell), the undecided will forget about this the goings on inside a week and you’ll still have a horse race in November.

    My point is those that are working to elect Trump have to redouble your efforts because some of these “Democrat Party Destroyed” stories are there just to get people to ease back on the gas pedal when they ought to be flooring it.
    I’d still like to know where the ads are the talk about the Bill’s private conversation with the Attorney General and the nonsensical decision by the director of the FBI not to charge Hillary while admitting to a Senate committee that she was guilty. While Trump is carrying a lot of baggage he has the best shot at taking the WH away from the Dems.

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