Sharia’s Incompatibility with Western Values, Explained – IOTW Report

Sharia’s Incompatibility with Western Values, Explained

CounterJihad: The ancient books of antiquity say what they say. No modern scholar, no matter what his/her agenda or desires, can go back in time and change what is contained in the early Islamic sources. As the saying goes, the past is history. So let us look at the past, specifically the medieval past, to discern whether Islam really is incompatible with the liberal democratic principles of the West.  MORE

26 Comments on Sharia’s Incompatibility with Western Values, Explained

  1. Drudge is reporting that Isis is warning London and DC are next. When honest citizens can’t carry, how are they going to protect themselves and their families?

  2. “No modern scholar, no matter what his/her agenda or desires, can go back in time and change what is contained in the early Islamic sources.”

    I cannot see why not. Our supreme court liberal justices do exactly that with our less than three hundred year old Constitution.

    What makes their document immune to re-interpretation?

    Sarc off.

  3. @Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold

    They can’t.
    When Police catch the murderer, there is no justice for the victim, family, friends or co-workers.
    Being from Illinois previously, I carried (professionally trained)illegally for 20 years.
    I chose to be judged by 12 rather than carried by 6.
    Thank God I never had to be judged or carried.

  4. Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold

    It’s not just ISIS. They release Felons early, dangerous illegal aliens, and they’re doing there best to start a race war. But by all means take are guns away. Not going to happen.

  5. Sharia is NOT compatible with any person that displays more than 2 brain cells.
    Any sound civilization would normally declare open war on any group of Neanderthals that openly and repeatedly threatens said civilization. (Without a doubt, the word ‘civilized’ can not be found in the Neanderthals lexicon).

  6. During the Third Caliphate (Uthman), at least 2 or 3 other versions of the Koran were destroyed. Before the Koran was written in 634, it was memorized and at least 400 people who had memorized the insane rantings of Mohammed were killed in a battle the year before. One of Mohammad’s wives were entrusted with the first writings of the Koran. The original codex was destroyed in 667 AD.

    The Bible is the most heavily scrutinized and criticized book in human history; and it still stands as a testimony of God’s faithfulness. The Koran? Well, criticize it or its nutzoid pedophile author and see what happens. It cannot stand scrutiny and the evidence that it came directly from Mohammed was purposefully destroyed.

    My thoughts are that the insane rantings of Mohammed had to be sanitized, cleaned up so that Islam could present a slightly less crazy face to the world. Lord only knows what that murderous, fubar son of a bitch had to say.

  7. Nothing beats a firearm, however there are weapons in almost every place.
    When required, an American may instantaneously develop Black Belt level skills in say, bottle throwing if in a bar, Pool queue Pikesmanship, Chair and bucket throwing, and mop and broomstick maneuvers.
    My buddy says his wife could hit a fly on a wall at twentyfive feet with a dish from the cupboard.

  8. Lazlo, the Soviets quickly learned just how devastating a beer bottle filled with styrofoam and gasoline was when lit and tossed in the right location on a tank is.
    The government can’t disarm us unless they take away our brains. That is why they are pushing pot.

  9. Guys, when we face them here I’ll bet you good money they’ll be caring something better than you if your out and about. Better train up with what you carry. The soup can and the bottle might just piss them off.

  10. Lazlo likes better living through superior firepower
    But If I get talked into going into a bar and some Musselman starts shooting up the place Lazlo will not be texting his Mama.
    I have used a public restroom toilet seat in a fight before. They come off with just a twist. I would totally give it five stars.
    As far as pissing them off, Lazlo does not recommend a frontal assault on a shooter with cans. But when death is inevitable, there is nothing left but style.

  11. I can bust a malnutritioned 160 pound Muzzie in half with my bare hands, unless he’s carrying an AK. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. If your living someplace where you can carry do so. If your living someplace where you can’t, move.

  12. I had a conversation with a cop a few months back. I was trying to get downtown to get a permit and the slackjaws were having a hissy fit at the time.
    He asked me if I had any weapons, so I showed him both of my hands. He told me I was not funny. I responded that “if my shirt were in my hands I could kill a man with it”. He told me I could proceed, but if he saw me with my shirt off he was going to arrest me.

  13. BB, you threatened to come down here and kill me.
    Show up, if you want, I will have my shirt off.
    I don’t want to kill you, or just about anyone else for that matter.
    You, on the other hand, seem to only feel adequate when threatening others.
    You previously said that Oakland was too scary and you couldn’t handle coming here.
    I have a life, so I am not going to cross the street for you.

    I don’t

  14. C’monnnnnnnnnnnnnnn guys.

    Can you work out the details of how you’re each going to kill the other guy offline?

    And John, it seems that Unruly would rather you not go to his posts.
    Is that at all possible or is it too much fun for you to cause people that are dear to me grief?

  15. BFH
    Brad has threatened to kill me, more than once, I had to track down who he was due to it.
    Unruly has been attacking me personally on other threads and now is complaining that I am rebutting ideas that he posts.
    I have never threatened to kill anyone here, and I, for the most part, don’t make personal insults. If that is not acceptable, ban me.
    I warned you that the snowflakes would bring their problems to you once you removed their way of silencing them.

  16. Really? If I meant you harm I would not tell you. This is like third grade. What ever the bull shit spewing out of JohnShit for brains, Unruly posts good stuff. Send me some video of you killing MoFo’s with your shirt idiot.

  17. Fuck this, Bad Ass JohnS carries a concealed carry permit for his shirt. OK ass hole, I’ll give you one minute behind my back with your deadly weapon before I kick your ass. I’m up blow hard. Name the location I’m fucking there. Dick! Let’s do this and film it.

  18. JohnS, how dangerous is your underwear? I’m not hearing a location and date. How bout Fairfield? Half way in between. Parking lot ASP shooting center. Name the date, name the time.

  19. Holy crap, I was hoping we’d all be on the same team and save our hate for liberals.
    Considering the shit that lies ahead, I’m thinking we need to unite instead of allowing the enemy to divide us.
    We’re going to need strong leaders not forceful dividers.

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