Taylor Swift Gets Special Snowflake Instagram Tool to Mass-Delete Critical Comments – IOTW Report

Taylor Swift Gets Special Snowflake Instagram Tool to Mass-Delete Critical Comments

I don’t give a rat’s ass about Taylor Swift and who she’s fighting with this week, but
isn’t it interesting how she’s granted a magic wand to censor all icky things said about her? Why would she need such a tool? Isn’t she the one who sings, “Shake it off”?

Who else could be awarded such a tool? Democrat politicians?

Heatstreet: Taylor Swift has been given a “secret weapon” Instagram tool to help her fight off hordes of Kim Kardashian fans dissing her on Instagram.

Swift, who has 86 million followers on the site, can now identify and delete comments she doesn’t like en masse.

The special treatment is surely linked to Swift’s position as the site’s second most-followed celebrity, after Selena Gomez.

The Sunday Times revealed the existence of the new “tool”, which it said can purge disobliging comments by the thousand.

It came into force as Swift was under fire from enormous numbers of fans, attacking her for apparently lying about whether Kanye West could refer to having sex with her in one of his songs.


18 Comments on Taylor Swift Gets Special Snowflake Instagram Tool to Mass-Delete Critical Comments

  1. Taylor who? Isn’t she a playmate or something like that? I know that Kardashian chick is famous for taking her clothes off on the internet, marrying a black racist, and not much else, so isn’t that what they are fighting about?

  2. I have a 2006 calendar for the 40th anniversary of the Reading Phillies MILB team. Taylor is on each page in the corner. Taylor was born in Reading PA 1989. She sang the National Anthem for the 1st time in 2003. The cute local girl moved to Nashville in 2004 and launched to one of the worlds top recording artists. Glad I had the opportunity to meet and talk with her back in the day at the ballpark. Great kid, fame can do weird things to people.

  3. I’d tap that. I’d tap Selena Gomez too. Both at once would be even better.

    Say what you will, but that girl has talent. She also looks better than any of the women I have loved.

    Wouldn’t touch a Kardashian with a 10 foot pole. Eww

  4. Never heard of that individual.
    I suspect I have missed nothing.
    We used to have the same system here on this site so that the liberal snowflakes could hide anything that was not rainbows and unicorns farting out welfare checks.
    Looks like they should all run over to Instagram.

  5. Eh, can’t say I blame her. Most of those ‘bullies’ were incredibly vile. I know that I would probably delete their comments if I were her. It’s pretty disgusting how many people are willing to go after Swift after she simply responded to Kim Krapdasian dumping edited phone conversations where Swift allegedly said it was cool for that POS Kanye to talk about having sex w/ her and calling her a bitch. Idk about you but I’d just as soon leave Twitter if I were her, too many sheeple willing to murder her for nothing. :b

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