Galoomphy goes ape on Politico reporter – IOTW Report

Galoomphy goes ape on Politico reporter

ConservativeOutfitters: Shocking video of Congressman threatening a reporter has surfaced online. Politico reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere was shocked at Democratic congressman Alan Grayson’s behavior when asked a simple question at the 2016 DNC in Philadelphia. The Florida Congressman went as far as threatening to report Dovere to the Capitol Police and have the journalist arrested.

 Watch here

According to a 2015 police report Congressman Grayson’s ex-wife, Lolita Grayson called police at least four times over a 25-year marriage. Grayson claims the liberal Congressman from Florida threatened to kill her. She needed medical attention on two of those occasions.


17 Comments on Galoomphy goes ape on Politico reporter

  1. The POS is abusive to anyone that doesn’t give him his way. He pushed the reporter and exclaims he was assaulted? Come here,and learn the true meaning of assault.

  2. the demonRat party is, & always has been full of bullies, from John C. Calhoun, to Preston Brooks, to child-beater & wife-beater Jim Moran, to Joe ‘Buddy-Boy’ Biden, to Hillary ‘fuck-off’ Clinton, to Galoomphy, the Cavetard
    btw, how can the demonRats possibly trash Trump for his real estate dealings when they have such a shyster as Galoomphy?

  3. John C. Calhoun had more integrity than this bag of puss! At least Calhoun was a man from an era that had men. Yes, men, real men who you could look up to and admire and emulate. That went out the door with the Fricking baby boomer generation.

  4. The reallity is a great number of (D) elected officials have serious mental health pathologies. BHO, Bill-Hilliary, and Biden are prime example.

    It seems to be another prerequisite for high office in that party.

  5. Will the reporter file a lawsuit?
    I hope so. This should get more coverage in the media than the Corey Lowandowsky – Michelle Fields tiff. But it wont. Galoomphy is a democrat and the media sucks

  6. Grayson is the epitome of the elitist Elysium congress has built for itself on our dime.

    Hillary is this on steroids. ‘DANGER, DANGER, DANGER’, to quote a man who knew venomous snakes when he saw them

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