Video: LA county melts thousands of guns – IOTW Report

Video: LA county melts thousands of guns

July 21st marked the 23rd year of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s annual melting of confiscated firearms.

confiscated guns in LA

22 Comments on Video: LA county melts thousands of guns

  1. What a waste-turn them over to licensed firearms dealers and cut the state in for a piece.

    Is there a forensic reason or are they just fucking nutz? Bad Brad would know the answer to that.

  2. Fuckers. They took a couple of nice firearms from me after an altercation in my home in 1983.
    Mr. Dindu Nuffin picked the wrong house to burgle and got his face rearranged. LAPD thought that it was a great idea to search my house, since I detained the burglar for them and they had all this free time.
    They tossed my house like on TV. They broke up the place.
    I was expecting Joe Friday to come out of the shower with a bag of bennies, dexies, reds and uppers they ‘found’, but it was only my guns they found.
    “We’re just going to hang on to these for a couple of days. You can get them back from the station after we make sure they’re not stolen”
    Lying bastards. I never saw them again.
    But, I don’t think they ever saw a property room.

  3. @Lazlo: Did they have a search warrant, or did you consent to a search? Did you get an itemized receipt for the property that was taken from you? Did you retain an attorney to help get your guns back?

    So many questions…

  4. Get used to that picture; it will be commonplace when president Hitlery takes office and begins issuing her gun confiscation executive orders (if #nevertrump has their way).

  5. Sorry to hear about that injustice, Lazlo. I would have been shocked that the cops would pull that kind of crap.

    As far as the melt-down goes, I bet most of the guns are low end junk. They absolutely should be auctioning these off as they would with any other seized property.

    Not intending to open a can of worms, but you get what you pay for, and I think a person should invest wisely and buy the very best (meaning reliable) guns they can afford.

  6. Money is no object when compared to the valuable liberal theatrics. Meanwhile it’s having absolutely no impact on the murder rate in LA.

    Another meaningless feel-good exercise meant to soothe the progs and threaten the law abiding.

  7. @Lazlo, I had a couple shotguns and a rifle confiscated by those bastards in the 70s. I made them give me a receipt because I knew they were crooked.
    I showed up at the station a few days later with a copy of my receipt and walked out carry those three guns. But they have stole plenty of other stuff from me and my friends. And they did some terrible damage too.

  8. That’s alright. All the many millions of guns sales over the past 8 years more than makes up for 20,000 pounds of guns melted.

    Let’s try to do a VERY rough ballpark estimate of 20,000 pounds = ? of guns. Without getting into two unknowns algebra (x and y), etc., figure, say, 4 pounds per long gun. So that’s only 5,000 long guns. Even if you lowball that to only 2 pounds per long gun, that’s only 10,000 long guns. I think current sales (millions per year?) far outstrips that paltry number.

    Just the Libtards trying to impress the sheeple with big numbers. The Libtards are hoping that somewhere down the line, media and sheeple will conflate and confuse “20,000 pounds of guns” with “20,000 guns”.

  9. Cops in LA were a lot different back then.
    But I think a proviso is in order.
    I had blue hair. This did not please the responding Officers.
    I was in a band and had musician crap all over my squalid hovel.
    I think they were more pissed at me than Mr. Burglar. Not even my full sized cardboard Ronald Reagan convinced them I was actually a conservative
    At the time I was so happy to escape the cuffs I didn’t ask for shit.
    I sat for hours on the curb in cuffs with all my neighbors looking at me. And I had just gotten out of my very first ‘that son of a bitch is trying to kill me’ fight, so I was in a state. I was more worried about the cops breaking my guitars than anything else.
    To them I was a scumbag musician. I couldn’t afford to feed my self, much less get a lawyer.
    So bottom line, I did not seek redress or stand up for myself with the Law. Those cops should not have glommed onto my stuff, but my late fifties self blames only me.

  10. If Hitlery comes after my guns, they better bring ground-penetrating radar and lots of shovels. You can hide a lot of guns in PVC-pipes under the Chihuahuan Desert. Packed right, they will store for years. And years.

  11. Just outside Hollywood? They better have purchased enough North Korean carbon offsets, before they started environment change killing all those baby seals! Or there’ll be rioting in the cul-de-sacs.


  12. My city used to scrap the firearms confiscated. It was a sham. The cops took home the nice stuff, and ground only the crap. Enough crap that no one ever missed them.

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