CA Town Feeling ‘Berned’ After Sanders Rally Leaves $23K In Unpaid Bills – IOTW Report

CA Town Feeling ‘Berned’ After Sanders Rally Leaves $23K In Unpaid Bills

CBS SF> The Mayor of Cloverdale hopes it’s just a misunderstanding, but the Bernie Sanders campaign appears to have left her small town with $23,000 in unpaid bills after it hosted their ‘A Future To Believe In’ rally last June.

According to The Press Democrat, the Sanders campaign paid Cloverdale a $2500 deposit toward expenses. Despite assurances they’d pay the balance, their response to the city’s attempts to collect on an invoice is starting to sound like ‘the runaround.’

Cloverdale officials were given given only 48 hours notice before the June 3 rally, and say they had no time to put together a formal contract. Still, the city was happy, even honored to oblige. Ultimately, the event was a huge success, drawing more than 6,000 supporters.


h/t Unashamed Domestic Dame.

15 Comments on CA Town Feeling ‘Berned’ After Sanders Rally Leaves $23K In Unpaid Bills

  1. No formal contract? Any written contract at all? Just a spoken “agreement” and a handshake?
    Suck it up, Cloverdale. You’re screwed, blued, and tattooed. You ain’t getting any more money from the Bernie Sanders (BS) people.

    Whoever it was in authority who said Yes to this mess, should pay the balance out of their personal pocket.

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