John Podesta snaps at James O’Keefe: ‘Just get lost!’ – IOTW Report

John Podesta snaps at James O’Keefe: ‘Just get lost!’

AM: Gonzo citizen journalist James O’Keefe ambushed Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta on the street in Philadelphia at the DNC, and it may be the first time the Clinton insider DIDN’T want to talk to the media.

“Do you remember that woman you met with in Las Vegas who said do whatever it takes?”

O’Keefe was referring to undercover video he obtained showing what he said was Christina Gupana, an attorney with Hillary for America.

“Do whatever you can,” she said on the recording. “What you can get away with, just do it, until you get kicked out like totally.”

When O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action released the video last fall, they said she was referring to registering voters by any means necessary.

But Podesta didn’t want to talk about it and instead, berated O’Keefe.

6 Comments on John Podesta snaps at James O’Keefe: ‘Just get lost!’

  1. Maybe if some those Berniebros had put down their Pokemons and teamed up with O’keefe to ambush more of these elitist Hillary f**ks, their boy Bernie might not be a broken man now. But that would have been too much like work, I guess.

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